

おばさんの料理教室  シシャモの美味しい焼き方

2022年07月30日 | 日記







How to bake shishamo deliciously.

If you thoroughly pre-treat with alcohol and soy sauce and bake, it will not smell fishy.


①On a tray, arrange the shishamo that has been wiped clean of moisture and add sake and soy sauce.

➁Put a wrap over the top and let it sit in the refrigerator for at least an hour.

⓷Lay out a cooking sheet, wipe off the moisture from the shishamo, and bake it voila.



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おばさんの料理教室 カニカマのマリネサラダ

2022年07月28日 | 日記










酢:醤油=1:1(二杯酢)に塩・胡椒:砂糖少々を良く混ぜ、これに同量Marinade salad with crab crab


2 people ago

①Cut crabs, cucumbers, broccoli and tomatoes into appropriate sizes.

➁Put the bowl dressing in ① and mix.

③Serve on a plate, put blue purple su on it, and complete.

* It is also good to use seasonal vegetables such as onions and celery, octopus and ham.

How to make a dressing

Vinegar: soy sauce = 1: 1 (two tablespoons vinegar) salt and pepper: mix a little sugar well, put the same amount of oil in this and voila.


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おばさんの料理教室  中華サラダ素麺

2022年07月27日 | 日記









Chinese salad noodles

A simple dish with handmade Chinese dressing. The texture of carrots and cucumbers goes well with the salty taste of loin ham.


people ago

①Heat shredded carrots in the microwave.

In a bowl 2 tablespoons soy sauce soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 teaspoon of granulated Japanese style dashi Heat 1 teaspoon of sesame oil and a bacon container to remove the rough heat, add the shredded cucumbers and mix.

Serve in a bowl and sprinkle with white sesame seeds to complete.

* This time I boiled plain noodles and put a salad on it.



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おばさんの料理教室  あさりの吸い物

2022年07月26日 | 日記




むきアサリ100gと、だし昆布3g・しめじ10g・水400mℓを鍋に入れ、弱火で ゆくり加熱、あくが浮いてきたら丁寧にすくい、昆布を取り除く。



Sucking clams


2 people ago

Put 100 g of bare clams, 3 g of dashi kelp, 10 g of shimeji, 400 ml of water in a saucepan, cook over low heat, and yawn When it floats, scoop it carefully and remove the kelp.

Add 1 tablespoon of sake, 1 teaspoon of thin soy sauce, and 1/4 teaspoon of salt to taste.

Put it in a bowl and add three leaves to complete.

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おばさんの料理教室  シーフードミックスの焼きそば飯

2022年07月25日 | 日記









Seafood mixed fried noodles

Seafood mix of salt-fried noodles, just stir-fry the ingredients, and you can make it easily. The combination of the umami of seafood and the refreshing salt dare is a perfect dish


  • person ago

In a hot frying pan, grind 1 tablespoon of sesame oil and fry 50 g of frozen seafood mix over medium heat.

When the fire is done, kiyabetsu bite 50 g, carrot 30 g strips cut into strips, add bean sprouts and fry over medium heat, 50 ml of water, 1 teaspoon of chicken glass spoon, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice Add a pinch of salt and fry over medium heat,

When the taste is familiar, it is boiled and put on plain noodles and completed.

* Instead of thiefed mix, bacon ham or meat, it can also be used.

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おばさんの料理教室  なすの山椒炒め

2022年07月24日 | 日記



➁ 山椒の実をすり潰し・塩小匙1/2をして切り口に焼き色をつける。


Stir-fried eggplant mountain

①2 aubergines, make a cut in the skin and fry it from the skin in salad oil.

➁ Grind the pepper fruit, make 1/2 of the salt spoon, and add the baking color to the cut.

③Chopped red ginger small spoon 1/2 sprinkled and voila.

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おばさんの料理教室  もやしの中華サラダ

2022年07月22日 | 日記









Chinese salad with bean sprouts

Chinese salad of bean sprouts, a simple dish of crispy bean sprouts and homemade Chinese dressing. The texture of bean sprouts and cucumbers goes well with the salty taste of loin ham.


  • people ago

①Boil the water and add the bean sprouts, boil for about 30 seconds, raise it to a colander, and turn off the hot water.

➁In a bowl 2 tablespoons soy sauce soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 teaspoon of granulated Japanese style dashi ・ Heat 1 teaspoon of sesame oil and a bacon container to remove the rough heat, add the shredded cucumbers ① and mix.

Serve in a bowl and sprinkle with white sesame seeds to complete.

* This time I boiled plain noodles and put a salad on it.



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おばさんの料理教室  簡単ミートソース

2022年07月22日 | 日記



自宅でも簡単に作れて、野菜もたっぷりボリューム満点です。 パスタにかけたりパンに挟んで、ミートサンドイッチにしたり色々に使えます。








Easy Meat Sauce

It is easy to make at home, and there are plenty of vegetables and full of volume. You can put it on pasta or sandwich it in bread and use it as a meat sandwich in various ways.


people ago

①100g carrots, 1 onion and 6 mushrooms are sliced into thin slices.

➁Grind 2 tablespoons of olive oil, add 300 g of beef pork and snoring meat,①  and fry over medium heat.

③When the vegetables are getting thick, add 400 g of tomato sauce, 4 tablespoons, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of coarsely ground black pepper, cover and simmer for about 10 minutes. Hmmm.

When the vegetables are cooked, add20 g of salted butter and mix, then remove from the heat and complete.

* For vegetables, use your favorite vegetables such as celery.


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おばさんの料理教室  水餃子・焼き餃子

2022年07月21日 | 日記






*餃子の皮 市販品が簡単に手に入る












Water dumplings and grilled dumplings


Choose things that match the season, such as green onions, leeks, eringi, shiitake mushrooms, onions, kayabetsu, bean sprouts, Chinese cabbage (blanched), spinach, bamboo shoots, okra, etc., and chop them.

➁Add the pork mince, the surimi ginger and pepper, mix evenly, add the soy sauce and sesame oil, and wrap it in the smelted skin.

* You can also add minced shrimp, bacon and crushed flour.

* Dumpling skin Commercial products are easily available

flour; Katamari flour = 9;1 to smelt well with appropriate water (the more you smelt, the more your waist will grow. 100g can make 20 pieces.

* Sauce concoction

Two tablespoons vinegar (soy sauce; Vinegar = 1;1), grated garlic, a few drops of chili oil.

* Water dumplings

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おばさんの料理教室  ハマチのカルパッチョ

2022年07月20日 | 日記




 ①  野菜を皿に盛る。 














Carpaccio in hamachi

Carpaccio is a type of Italian cuisine that is eaten by thinly sliced seafood and beef and sprinkled with olive oil, cheese and sauce.


Put vegetables on a plate.

* Vegetables are seasonal vegetables such as wasabi greens, lettuce, peppers, onion slices, carrots, radish, broccoli, cucumbers, etc.

Place the hamachi fillet on top of ①, sliced onions exposed in water (new onions do not need to be exposed to water), top with bean plate soy sauce, and pour vinegar soy sauce when eating.

Fish such as octopus, tuna, salmon, seared bonito, white fish (strangled in saline water) and shellfish are also delicious.

* Vinegar soy sauce・・Vinegar: Soy sauce 1:1.

* Adding a little sesame oil or olive oil to the vegetable salad dressing also adds flavor.

* If the fish is a little old, it is better to season it with salt and pepper.

* Dressing ・・Vinegar: Soy sauce: Oil = 1:1:2 salt and pepper: A little sugar.

* It is also good to use lemon or yuzu.

aw beef topped with garlic, olive oil, grana padano cheese and white truffles from Alba It is also said to have been inspired by traditional cuisine from the Lange region.

Fish carpaccio (originCarpaccio is a general term for dishes made by slicing raw beef tenderloin with seasonings such as cheese or sauce.

Taking his name from the Italian painter Vitto Carpaccio's fondness for dishes of thinly sliced raw beef topped with Parmigiano Reggiano,  There is a theory that it is called a carpaccio. There is also a theory that his distinctive red-based style resembles the colour of thinly sliced raw beef on a plate.

Piedmont with rated in Japan)

In Japan, instead of raw beef tenderloin, carpaccio using sashimi such as tuna, bonito, salmon, etc. is a Japanese-Western eclectic dish (Western cuisine It has become a representative example of Japan wind arrangement).

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おばさんの料理教室  ナスと豚しゃぶ肉の中華サラダ

2022年07月19日 | 日記









Chinese salad of eggplant and pork shabu

Sarah finished with pork shabu, eggplant and onion with a flavored dressing.

The dressing is convenient because it is easy to make just by mixing seasonings and can be used for other salads.


  • people ago

Put 150 g of pork belly shabu shabu in the hot water just before boiling and boil over low heat for about 5 minutes until it is cooked. Turn off the hot water, expose it to ice water to cool down, drain the water.

1 tbsp soy sauce in a bowl, 1 tablespoon vinegar, 1/2 teaspoon grated garlic, 1/2 tsp grated ginger,  Add 1/2 tablespoon sesame oil and 1/2 tablespoon white sesame and mix.

③Stir-fry 2 onions and 1/2 eggplant onion in a frying pan ①, mix, and serve on a plate Put on the blue purple su and complete.

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おばさんの料理教室  コールスロー

2022年07月18日 | 日記


コールスロー(英: coleslaw)は、細かく切ったキャベツを使ったサラダの一種である。人参が入っていることも多い。ほかにもトウモロコシ・パイナップル・リンゴなど果物が入っているものなどがある。






④マヨネーズ 大匙4・すし酢大匙3と黒粒胡椒を適当量加え、①・②・③を混ぜて味を調え、出来上がり。


コールスロー ( coleslaw) は、サラダの一種で細かく切ったキャベツを使ったサラダである。ほかにも赤キャベツを使ったものや、パイナップルやリンゴなど果物が入っているものなどがある

  コールスローのドレッシングにはサラダ油あるいはヴィネグレットが使われたが、ほとんどの場合マヨネーズ  が使われている。マスタードセロリの種などさまざまな香辛料が使われることもある。普通食べる数時間前にキャベツをドレッシングと和え、味をなじませる。


Coleslaw is a type of salad made with finely sliced cabbage. It often contains carrots. Other items include corn, pineapple and apples that contain fruit.

Season with mayonnaise and French dressing.


250 g of cabbage, 70 g of carrots, 1 cucumber are shredded, mix 1 small spoonful of salt and let stand for 5 minutes, drain, return to water, crispy and drain.

➁ Add 70 g of corn (return the freezer with boiling water) and 4 pieces of ham cut into small pieces.

③ Add an appropriate amount of mayonnaise 4 tablespoons, 3 tablespoons of  sushi vinegar and black pepper, mix (2) and ③ to adjust the taste, and voila.

Sushi vinegar = vinegar 25g: 1 0 gof sugar: about 2 g of salt

 Coleslaw is a type of salad made with finely sliced cabbage. Others use red cabbage and contain fruits such as pineapples and apples.

Coleslaw dressing was made with salad oil and vinegar or vinaigrette, but most cases mayonnaise was used.  Various spices such as mustard and celery seeds are sometimes used. Combine the cabbage with the dressing a few hours before normal eating and let the taste blend in.

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おばさんの料理教室 簡単ローストポーク 

2022年07月16日 | 日記








Easy Roast Pork

Roast pork may be difficult to heat up, but this recipe makes it easy and delicious, surprisingly moist and soft, and you can also enjoy your favorite flavors such as rosemary and black pepper.


  • people ago

300 g of pork shoulder loin sprinkled evenly with 1/4 tablespoon of salt and pepper, grind 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a frying pan heated over medium heat, bake the entire surface, put in vinyl Put in boiling saucepan water, boil over medium heat for about 10minutes.

②In a frying pan 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1  piece of chopped garlic and 1/2 piece of onion chopped mix Vegetables Saffron and rice, 100g of tomatoes, Mix 1 tablespoon of white wine and 1 teaspoon of consommé granules, put on 70g of bare clams, cover and take about 3 minutes.

③➁ Paella was served on a plate and ① was cut into easy-to-eat sizes.

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おばさんの料理教室  「ソテー」と「ムニエル」・「ピカタ」の違い

2022年07月16日 | 日記



         ソテー              ムニエル           ピカタ

レストランに「なんとかのソテー」や「なんとかのムニエル」というメニューがありますが、両方ともフランス語ですが、 どう違うのでしょうか?


ソテー」・・西洋料理の1つで、 肉類や西洋野菜を油でいため焼きにした料理の総称

「ムニエル」・・魚のバター焼き. 下味をつけた魚に小麦粉をまぶし, フライ-パンで焼いたもの 。

つまり「ソテー」は肉料理や魚料理もあったが(マグロのソテーというメニューがあり)、「ムニエル」は 魚料理。

ソテーとはフランス語で、「肉や魚・野菜をバターや油などでいためる、西洋料理の調理法。また、その料理」を指します。平たいフライパンに少量の油やバターをひいて、材料を強火で短時間でいため焼きにするのがコツです。 素早く調理するために、へらを使ってかき混ぜたりフライパンを揺すったりすることもあります。また、食材は柔らかいもの、薄く切ったものを用意することが多いようです


The difference between "sautéed" and "meunier" and "picata"


                 Sautéed        Meunier         Picata

The restaurant has a menu called "Sautéed Something" and "Somehow Meunier", both of which are in French, but what is the difference?

Sauté means "to jump" in French, and it is derived from the fact that when fried in a frying pan, the oil jumps. The basics of Western cuisine are to fry or bake vegetables and meat in butter.

"Sautéed" is a general term for dishes in which  meat and Western vegetables are baked in oil.

"Meunier"---grilled fish in butter.  Seasoned fish sprinkled with flour, frying-pan-baked.

In other words, "sautéed" had meat dishes and fish dishes (there was a menu called sautéed tuna), but "meunier" was a fish dish.

Sautéing is the French word for "a Western cooking method in which meat, fish, and vegetables are served with butter or oil, and it is also a dish of it." The trick is to grind a little oil or butter in a flat frying pan and bake the ingredients over high heat for a short time. To cook quickly, you may also use a spatula to stir or shake the frying pan. Also, it seems that ingredients are often prepared soft and thinly sliced.

Picata is a dish in which meat seasoned with salt and pepper is sprinkled with flour, and beaten eggs mixed with grated cheese are mixed with plenty of baked and baked. In Italy, veal meat is sautéed in butter, but in Japan, in addition to pork, chicken, cod and salmon are often baked in eggs. Also, in the United States, chicken piccata using chicken meat is common. Picata is a dish that can be made with various ingredients.


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おばさんの料理教室  あさりの炊きこみご飯

2022年07月15日 | 日記



①米3合洗い、醤油大匙1.5・塩・昆布茶適量水を加え4合の水の分量にして、か き混ぜ、その上に市販品の冷凍アサリ・筍・椎茸・人参・刻み生姜を乗せ通常どおりに炊く。





sCooked rice with clam


①Add 3 servings of rice, 1.5 tablespoons of soy sauce, salt, kelp tea appropriate amount of water, make a portion of 4 pieces of water, stir, and then put commercially available frozen clams, bamboo shoots, shiitake mushrooms, carrots, and chopped ginger on top of it and cook as usual.

* When cooked, loosen well and mix.

Serve in a bowl and boil broccoli.

* It is also good to mix shiitake mushrooms, mushrooms, edamame, etc.

* Frozen broad beans and clams are sold at business supermarkets.


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