①醤油大匙1・酒大匙1/2・砂糖小さじ①すりおろしニンニク小匙1/3を 混ぜ、その中へ肉(薄切り牛・豚・挽き肉)100g位を2cm幅位の大きさに切り、混ぜ下味を付ける。
Potato Dish Chijimi
arious potatoes and chijimi (serves 4)
The texture is irresistible, using freshly picked potatoes.
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It is convenient when cooking while watching how to make it.
Ingredients (for 4 people)
①Mix 1/2 soy sauce, 1/2 of sake, 1/2 teaspoon of sugar, 1/3 grated garlic, and cut 100 g of meat (thinly sliced beef, pork, ground meat) to a size of about 2 cm wide and season.
② Mix 120g grated potatoes, 30g potato starch, 150ml of water, a little sesame oil, 100g leeks, cut zaku, carrots 1/4, and 1 egg until the whole is blended, add ①and mix lightly.
③Draw sesame oil in a frying pan, pour ② and bake until both sides are crisp.
④Mix ponzu, sugar, raa oil, irigoma, and kochujang.