① 鍋に肉・人参・大根・玉葱・じゃがいも・ピーマン・キャベツ・もやし・椎茸等・カボチャを適当な大きさに切った物を入れ、オリーブ油で炒めて野菜が柔らくなれば、浸るくらいの水を加え煮る。
Soup Pasta
①Put meat, carrots, daikon radish, onions, potatoes, peppers, cabbage, bean sprouts, shiitake mushrooms, and pumpkin in a saucepan, stir-fry them in olive oil, and if the vegetables soften, add enough water to soak and boil.
* Vegetables may be suitable for the season, but boil them first from hard ones.
* Cut the potatoes into large pieces so that they do not collapse.
➁While simmering, season with consome (individual or powder), pepper, salt, ketchup (ripe tomatoes may be fine), put dry noodles in it, and if it becomes soft, it is finished.
* Macaroni or spagay-like things that don't crumble are also good.
Pasta (Italian: ) is an Italian concept almost synonymous with the Japanese word "noodles", including spaghetti, penne, lasagna, etc. One of the main elements of Italian cuisine. The main raw material is flour (especially durum wheat), and water, salt, chicken eggs, etc. are used.
Pasta can be roughly classified into two types: long noodle-shaped pasta such as spaghetti and small short pasta represented by macaroni. There are also dumplings and boards.
Italy is said to have 650 kinds of pasta, including each unique to the region, and new types are announced every year. There are many dried pastas on the market, but you can also hand-make fresh pasta at home.