文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world


2010年10月17日 19時36分52秒 | 日記

The Yasukuni Shrine is the fiction too; no matter how ninety eight percent of Japanese people never know the place exactly also they don’t want to know or to go. So I have to say to the man of foolish Mr.Koizumi and the Japanese journalism as a peasant, it is good to go praying for the victims of war, but the place is different; the places they should go praying deeply are ‘Hiroshima and Nagasaki’ not only one time in a year but every time when they will visit these cities. I have to write the truth that our life and prosperities depend on their sacrifices. And I think you should make me to write the book as compensation using the forbidden bombs for mankind to Japanese people, no matter how you use them to finish the worst cruel war but it was unnecessary at that time because almost of the cities in Japan were destroyed and three million people were killed in short period so that Japan had no possibility any more. Of course the responsibilities of the are heavy not to stop the war until the atomic bombs’ catastrophe. But it was your country that made by your countries’ strategy so that all of intelligentsia in Japan cannot have the perfect freedom to criticize everything even in today.


Of course I want to start writing the book now by myself, but I had been in hard times through these fifteen years, and I had fractured my left heel in last summer that needs the two years for the perfect recovery. Though I can start to revive my company within two yearsbut the time has come for me and for Japan to write the book right now


At first I had titled this book ‘The Hesitation of The General MacArthur’ I had decided such as since my youth, but the main title was not right really because it was the perfect intention of The General MacArthur. So I changed the title to very brief, this is very suitable for this book. While I was in recovery to walk within three month I completed this book in my brain. This book will start from the letter to Mr. Fu Chin Tao, has many important things not only for Japan but also for China or Korea even for the world. When I will finish writing this book I will send my manuscript to Mr. Kenzaburou Oe who is waiting for me to establish his literally award by himself. The conditions of his award are no prize; I don’t need any prize, and he will translate the book in English immediately; my book needs to translate in English, he knows well it. I will write the book without any pedantic words, I use plane words into beautiful sentences so that everyone can read my book, moving deeply by the style of mine and the form that no one can generate the idea. This book shall be one of the best books that have very beautiful sentences and brand-new style written by Japanese.

Better leave it unsaid, I made the tax payments to Japan 147,826,086 dollars more already. I carried out my functions in business.   


Twenty years ago, when I was in Rome eight days, I found out the reason why there is the hegemony nation exist in the world always. Half of the world is always in poverty so that people cannot get enough salary but to eat enough meal so that the world needs the hegemony nation that reaches his height of glory to flow his money into the poor area helping the poor people to eat enough.

If there is no hegemony nation in the world, the world will be in continuous cruel war.


About six hundred years ago ZEAMI who was the pioneer of 能(nohsaid that the seasonal flowers are not the real flowers, real flowers never fall until the are going to die.

I will write the book with very beautiful sentences and style over fifty five ages so that shall certify the truth to the stupid TV or so, which is chasing only seasonal flowers.




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2010年10月17日 19時35分20秒 | 日記

Twenty years ago when I visited Rome to see a painter who is my classmate friendly, he was graduated the Tokyo Art University, suddenly I found out the theory of the Civilization. I named this theory ‘The turn table of the Civilization’. I saw the stream from Rome to Lisbon to Madrid to Paris to London to New York and to Tokyo. In the history of this stream your country was the first time country to take a cough only fifty years later after being the hegemony nation. If America would fell down, the world should go to the catastrophe. Where is the next table country that has big economical power and new culture? That was Japan because Japan brought up the new culture without class and religion and ideology that was the first experience in the history of mankind.


After the worst cruel war in the history of mankind Japan was occupied by your country of democracy and freedom, this caused the birth of new culture; your   democracy was matching with the industrial and excellent Japanese people. I have to tell you this table turns to the country that bring up not only economy but also a brand-new culture that can leads the world.


So I will write the truth against the accepted theory in the world that tells the next table is China or India. Surly these two countries have large population so that will have big spending power in economy but no one except poor people or only economical people want to spend their life in these country.


Ordinary people in the world do not want to spend their life in communism country or in the country of the curst fiction so that the table will never turn to these countries. China has no possibility to success changing communism to democracy in these several ten years and India needs the astronomical time to overcome the curst fiction.


If Mr. Fu Chin Tao would read and understood my first book named ‘××××’, because this book start to write as a letter to him, and he could wake up to go to change the communism fiction as an excellent elite of China so that China should reach the next table. Of course I hope China will reach to the table but it is very difficult because the communism destroy the human personality and the natural way of thinking perfectly so that they have a little possibility to recover of them.

I think next table will be going to Brazil because Brazil has only the problem of poverty that will be able to overcome by the economical growth. They have no taboo but poverty; in fact in the soccer they certified their wonderful imagination. I think they have the qualifications and population to be the champion in the next century. I add that the table turns to the country just one time in his life. China and India had got the table in history already, long time ago.


It is the fact that the table turned to Japan twenty five years ago, and this century is the time that America and Japan have to lead the world. But your country and our journalism stopped to us raising the brand- new voice that should echo to all over the world, no class and no religion and no ideology these are the best for mankind. I think these mistakes made the world unstable nowadays and caused the 9/11.


Peasants under the cannot be adults or real men. Your country has responsibility in this point, So I force your country to declare that Japan finished the responsibility of the cruel war to be killed three million and five hundred thousand people in a very short time at the end of the war, all of the main city without Kyoto or Nara was destroyed by the incendiary bomb, finally with the sacrifices of the people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki who are the people of innocence, the children or the little girl or the ordinary citizen lost their life within a blink and lost even their shapes from this earth. If we did not finish the responsibilities of the mad war, what was the death of them?

In this earth, nobody can say them that they died to no purpose.


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2010年10月17日 19時31分32秒 | 日記





I was born to be a gifted man in Japan, to write the great book that will be the best of thinking after The World War II. I have questions against your contributed article to The News Week named Why China Is Not a New Japan’. You wrote that Japan could not survive the IT revolution in 90th, and America dominated over Japan overwhelmingly by the software of a higher order and the high-tech communication, and Japan was behind in technological innovation so that sled into the fifteen years’ depression, I think this is an accepted theory in the world even in Japan.


Before I show you that theory is not true, I introduce myself with ten several sentences. 

I belonged to the super elite course in Japan, but God never made me insider.

If I was going to be an insider, I do not have the time to write the book.

My teacher said to me that I have to shoulder the Kyoto University.

My classmates expected me to be a great writer some day.

At first the God gave me unfortunate home that was a result of the emperor-banzai fascism.

While I was young I was a man of tender sensibilities so that I spent unhappy infancy and youth.

As Friedrch Engels said that he learned his philosophy not in school but through his home, I learned the truth of my country through my home.  

I hit three punches to my father’s face that was an incident but was necessity.

He offered no resistance to this incident, then he said to me; this is my house so you leave here.

He was not qualified as a father and the head of a family but I thought his wards were right.

So I left my home and I was going to the life of outsider far from the promised life of insider as elite. 

Then unexpectedly I have been engaged in realty for thirty years in Osaka as one of the biggest realty brokerage firm. So I know the true cause of the depression in Japan for fifteen years.



Two misleads caused the depression, one was the government’s mislead in 1990/4/1 at the beginning of this year the price of property had began to fall, that is to say, the bubble-time was over already, but our government stopped the money -flow for the realty companies and the construction companies by notifying to all the banks so that every companies even the big company fell down soon.


Another was Japanese Journalism’s; I will define this journalism as peasants, mislead in 1991 or 1992 at that time we have to invest ten trillion yen over for solving the housing-roan companies’ matter, of course the Prime Minister Miyazawa knew it well, but they began to sing in big chorus to stop to waste our hard-earned tax money for the banks and realty companies so that only eight thousand billion yen was invested in this matter.


Through these fifteen years our government had to invest our tax one trillion yen over in even a bank or a big company, but they said nothing until today about this, just like in sixty years ago though they mislead Japanese people to the cruel war as the emperor-banzai fascism, they has never apologized officially.  I will disclose this perfectly in my book.


They can’t recognize their mistakes but there’s no use saying to them because even you fell in the wrong point of view. I know the true causes so that I have to tell you.


You wrote that Japan could not survive the IT revolution in 90th,

This is not true, the truth is below. In 1984 the professor Mr. Ken Sakamura graduated the Keiou University invented TRON(The Real time Operating-system Nucleus). And The Ministry of Education in Japan decided to use TRON in the personal computers for the use of elementary and junior high school.


Mr. Levin, it was your government that stood above the Japanese brand-new way.

Your government pressed to the Japanese government very strongly to stop using of TRON as the standard of the personal computer for those schools. In those days your country was swamped with VTR or automobiles by Japan so that your country had the big trade deficit. Your government suggested to place import restrictions or so. Then the Japanese companies had to withdraw from the TRON PC products one by one. Before long, ‘windows’ conquered the world market.

Japanese manufacturing company without the heart software of the personal computer faced to decline the profits year by year. They had been felt the weakness without essential soft in these fifteen years keenly.


Mr. Levin, these are the true causes of these fifteen years’ depression.

I have deep affection and respect to USA as the country of perfect freedom without kings or emperors so that all people are the heroes and the kings.

But this behavior of your nation made me disappointed to your country’s glory.

I understand USA that has both monies means good money and bad money.

Good money is the perfect democracy, bad money is the capitalism that is going too much so that causes the extremely unbalance between the rich and the poor. I think this unbalance is more than ‘American Dream’.

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2010年10月17日 11時47分38秒 | 日記


·         (このページの記事は新潮社から提供を受けたものです)

フォーサイト WORLD


藤田洋毅 Fujita Hiroki







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2010年10月17日 11時35分18秒 | 日記








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2010年10月17日 11時01分14秒 | 日記



















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アメリカン・ドリームに匹敵する夢が 今の日本に 何故ないか。

2010年10月17日 09時49分20秒 | 日記

アメリカが成り立っているのは ただ ただ アメリカン・ドリームの 途方もない大きさ…確率的には…大半の者には不可能であっても…そんな事にひるまない…彼らの夢の…途方もないデカさが在るから…アメリカには革命が起きないのである。

この夢と…それが産み出す自由の大きさは…人類史上最大のもの…それがアメリカの存在理由なのだと…今朝も、芥川は 愛するあなたに ただで教えて上げる。


あなたが わたしたちの国の 由縁だと 思っているものは 世界に通用するもの 或いは アメリカの由縁に負けないほど 大きいものでしょうか。

大新聞の論説委員たちの高説に従って世論形成者となり 人類史上最高の痴呆テレビを 何の疑いも無しに 20年間見続けている あなたの夢や 自由は 屁の様なものではないかと 芥川は思っているのだが。

アメリカンドリームとは 比較のしようもない 今だけを見ている 今の己の安穏だけを 見ている
とても小さな 屁のようなもので 他国の人々が あなたに 期待しても 掴めない 蜃気楼のようなもの
だと 芥川は 思う。 

「日本教」を ちゃんと清算しないできたから あなたの 頭は 空っぽで その場 その場で 大騒ぎを繰り返すだけ。

頭が空っぽだから 経済が下降すれば 皆で同じ事を言って 同じ判断をして 下を向き
経済が上昇すれば 東京がなんぼのもんじゃい アメリカがなんぼのもんじゃい と 肩をいからせて言いだし

…あげくは 高級レストランに行って 何でもいいから 一番高いワインを持ってこい 等と言う始末。
日本でなら まだしも 笑い話で 済まされる場合もあるだろうが 世界では 軽蔑の対象となることも 知らず

20数年前に 在った事の中で そういう余分なことが 遅れて成された 急進的過ぎた 総量規制に つながり そういう貴方がたへの 反感が…既述した 平成4年の 正義感の大合唱…不動産屋や銀行や建設業界が やったことのために 何で国民の血税を使わなアカン…を増幅もしたのです。

けれども それは 笑い話のようなもので 「日本教」をちゃんと清算しないで来た わたしたち全員の 根本的な問題だったのだということを 週刊朝日と言う名の 知性の奮闘は まるで神の声の様に 明らかにしてくれた。

後500兆円の余裕しかない 後30年の猶予しかない 日本が 偽善と、己の立身出世と言う名の エゴイズムで 消滅することは 世界のためにならない それで神様が 検察の正体を明らかにしたのだろうが。

それでも 愚かな あなたたちは 大新聞と一緒に成って 正義の大合唱を いまだに成そうとする
人類史上最大の阿呆マスコミに 洗脳されて 一緒に 国を潰したいほどに 馬鹿なのか よく考えるべきだ


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2010年10月17日 00時06分39秒 | 日記



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