文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world


2018年01月22日 21時18分20秒 | 日記

































We will never forget that you were a true giant star born in Japan.

2018年01月22日 15時48分09秒 | 日記

I learned the essence of Mr. Nishibe Susumu, August 4 years ago since I began to subscribe to the monthly magazines I cited, knowing the realities of the Asahi newspaper perfectly.

'Live TV until morning' is nothing to know his essence as it was only oblique viewing on the night of to have difficulty falling asleep between work.

Although only his distinctive talks remained strongly impressed.

The fact that I learned the essence of him depends on the serial of the monthly magazine ‘justice’ in the title of ‘those who tried to be a fascist.’

Originally, that the title was not familiar with and that his unique style that is different from any other author, the content of the paper is dense, and his sentences were also always long, so letter size is also different with other pages it was small, packed tightly.

So I kept him at a distance.

Especially at the beginning, it was even more to read the monthly magazine group in the round-trip train to Kyoto.

However, one day, I tried to be moved to something, I read his thesis, at the same time, I also learned about his career.

He was born in Hokkaido to Tokyo University, severe stuttering till he was 19 years old, that he did not talk to anyone, it seems he got acquainted with his wife in that era ... That is why, for him he said that his wife's death was fatal, I felt stronger than anyone.

I felt intense close affinity.

Once, when I was about 20 years old, I met Le Clézio and said, ‘It was good, there was another one here, he already wrote what I was trying to write, and it was good. I do not have to write anymore ... I want to live my life apart from the hard work of writing,’... I thought so.

It was an encounter that determined my life.

My best friend, a reader, even does not appreciate Le Clézio at this moment, he even despises him who wrote a feeling that comes from a strange Gentile consciousness on the Korean Peninsula.

The encounter with Mr. Nishibe Susumu was very keen.

He is a big senior but I shall presume to say, that he is another I.

So, when I touched the news that yesterday he threw himself from the Tama River and committed suicide, I lost the words.

Anyone who has been reading his serial paper had premonition about it.

But I, he must not die yet.

For Japan, complete the lifespan, please continue saying, I was hoping so.

My friend who liked the movie says he has been to the house of Mr. Yodogawa Nagaharu when he was young.

Since I was young, I am a human being who cannot do that.

For example, if I do not take any action, I knew that this would be the case for Mr. Nishibe Susumu....

That is why I lost my words.

Why to go to see his house and say ‘Mr. Nishibe, I know 100% of your feelings, but please keep on living, for Japan, live for us and keep speaking ...’

It is because there is a sense of self - inducement as to why I could not go so far as to tell him that much.

I did not want to think yesterday.

Today, in the social aspect of the Sankei Shimbun, I read a memorial article entered by the writer Naoya Kawamura.

I thanked Kawamura Naoya reporter.

Mr. Nishibe Susumu's greatness and why the thought of all Japanese people who adored him for it,

Naoya Kawamura The reporter was speaking for me.

Thank you Mr. Kawamura.

Mr. Nishibe, I will certainly live and write to you.

We will never forget that you were a true giant star born in Japan.



2018年01月22日 14時49分39秒 | 日記


アンリ=ルイ・ベルクソン(Henri-Louis Bergson [bɛʁksɔn]発音例、1859年10月18日 - 1941年1月4日)は、フランスの哲学者。出身はパリ。日本語では「ベルグソン」と表記されることも多いが、近年では原語に近い「ベルクソン」の表記が主流となっている。








2018年01月22日 13時58分25秒 | 日記



























2018年01月22日 13時45分11秒 | 日記







It is impossible for God to continue to forgive such an outrage.

2018年01月22日 13時35分24秒 | 日記

Last night, with sports news, I was surprised to know that SF Giants acquired McCutchen and Longoria by trading,

Still SF Giants' victory, much less the World Series conquest, etc. will definitely be impossible.

San Francisco Municipal Administration, which is effectively hijacked by China, which is a one-party dictatorship state of the Communist Party,

In addition, the City of San Francisco is a city that sets unabashedly the comfort women statue according to their anti-Japanese propaganda made with abysmal evil and plausible lie.

In other words, the city ruled by evil.

Much more, at the end of the war, bombing 127 cities in Japan indiscriminately and merely killing over 3 million noncombatants with a weapon against humanity called incendiary bomb was not satisfied, dropped the atomic bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki Country USA,

There is a City of San Francisco in that country.

It is impossible for God to continue to forgive such an outrage.

Shame on San Francisco City or San Francisco citizen.


2018年01月22日 12時44分39秒 | 日記







the citizens themselves now realize that the problem of comfort women is distorted

2018年01月22日 12時23分52秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

The people think that it is 'ridiculous'

- The terrible thing is December 2017, the Japanese citizenship has not been known the comfort women’s statue has also been set up in Manila in the Philippines.

It is uneasy whether the wave of Japan bashing is not widely spread all over the world.


If the Japanese Embassy in the Philippines did not grasp this movement in advance as in some reports, it would be big problem and I wonder the embassy or consular office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are too tolerant from previous experiences, I am concerned that.

If there is a sense of crisis a little more, it should instantly collect information and respond.

As I mentioned earlier, initial movement is important.

On a daily basis, they are continuing lobbying as well as being rooted in lawmakers locally.

If individual parliamentarians become so minded, they will move towards the aim of those who do anti-Japanese activities.

I feel that I would like people in Japan who are located locally to seriously tackle the problem of comfort women statue.

Rather than anyone, the citizens themselves now realize that the problem of comfort women is distorted.

As of November 30, 2017, as a voice of the citizen who got to the Osaka City Hall, about 100 opinions were opposed to the elimination of the sister city, about 1000 opinions were approved .

After all, many people think that even if the voice is small, ‘the current state is wrong.’

If politicians do not take this problem seriously by changing thinking, I think that the flow of Japan bashing, and the comfort women statue setting does not change.

If there is a sense of crisis a little more, it should instantly collect information and respond

2018年01月22日 12時23分00秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

The people think that it is 'ridiculous'

- The terrible thing is December 2017, the Japanese citizenship has not been known the comfort women’s statue has also been set up in Manila in the Philippines.

It is uneasy whether the wave of Japan bashing is not widely spread all over the world.


If the Japanese Embassy in the Philippines did not grasp this movement in advance as in some reports, it would be big problem and I wonder the embassy or consular office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are too tolerant from previous experiences, I am concerned that.

If there is a sense of crisis a little more, it should instantly collect information and respond.

As I mentioned earlier, initial movement is important.

On a daily basis, they are continuing lobbying as well as being rooted in lawmakers locally.

If individual parliamentarians become so minded, they will move towards the aim of those who do anti-Japanese activities.

I feel that I would like people in Japan who are located locally to seriously tackle the problem of comfort women statue.

Rather than anyone, the citizens themselves now realize that the problem of comfort women is distorted.

As of November 30, 2017, as a voice of the citizen who got to the Osaka City Hall, about 100 opinions were opposed to the elimination of the sister city, about 1000 opinions were approved .

After all, many people think that even if the voice is small, ‘the current state is wrong.’

If politicians do not take this problem seriously by changing thinking, I think that the flow of Japan bashing, and the comfort women statue setting does not change.

It is my responsibility to get criticism, but I still have to say things without worrying and

2018年01月22日 12時04分45秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

- I was well convinced.


Another important point is the role imposed on me by the mayor.

It is necessary to make a judgment as to whether San Francisco City, which is in fact a sister city relationship, built the comfort woman and whether it is right to continue the current relationship or whether to use Osaka citizen's tax as a sister city .

Certainly because many people are unpleasant about friction or confrontation, and being criticized is troublesome, it may choose 'it does nothing' thing.

Oh, I am afraid if we connive the decision of San Francisco City, or even if we express our usual 'regret at', as long as we continue our sister city relationships, that is still 'Osaka City accepted the establishment of a comfort woman image ', we will be deemed to have judged that.

So I myself was a difficult political judgment, but unless I can say ‘different things are different’ it is not worth the name of the mayor elected in the election.

Since connivance is not permitted, we judged that it is more problematic to keep the trust relationship broken, and announced its resolution.

As expected, I am criticized by the constitutional Democratic Party, members of the Communist Party, etc., including the comfort women support group,

It is my responsibility to get criticism, but I still have to say things without worrying and I will deal with what I have to deal with.

This draft continues.

If we do not do anything, things went opponent's way

2018年01月22日 11時45分47秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

If we do not do anything, things went opponent's way

Extreme response is a group of thought of groups that fuel anti-Japanese

- 'What a worrisome about the reaction in Japan' is not a problem of comfort women 'or' give a negative image to the international community ‘minus to attract the Osaka Expo '’ If we take extreme response, things went the group's way that fuels anti-Japanese ', it is an opinion.

It seems that they are looking at national interests lightly or underrate.


The elimination of sister cities 'play into the group's hands that incite anti-Japanese' is a completely opposite story, rather 'if we do not do anything, things went opponent's way'.

There is no act that will benefit people conducting anti-Japanese activities, as the attitude of neglecting any action against criticism contrary to facts.

In fact, political propaganda are now spreading all over the world because the Japanese government did not show any objections to criticism against Japan over comfort women's problems for many years.

21 November 2017, House of Representatives plenary session, in the National Assembly, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said definitely that reception of the comfort woman in San Francisco City is 'contradictory with the position of the government and extremely regrettable'.

This also applies to Taro Kono Minister for Foreign Affairs.

Osaka city is not insisting that it is going crazy, it merely shows the same position as the Japanese government.

And it is city judgment that Osaka city, which is a local government, will connect the sister city with which city and resolve it, it is not diplomacy.

Therefore, it cannot be thought that the international evaluation of Osaka will fall by this time.

Rather, it is international common sense to argue clearly what to claim.

In the international community, Japan's common sense that it is understood even if it is silent does not pass.

In the first place, the story itself 'giving a negative image to the international community' it is a posture to flatter to the political propaganda of criticizing Japan.

I wonder if the idea of a force promoting the establishment of a comfort woman is hidden there.

This draft continues.

Broadcasting stations that make such humans discuss the world and the nation,

2018年01月22日 10時44分41秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

From that point of view, the men's and women's casters of this program have exactly the same eyes.

Should it be said that Furutachi looks desperately suppressing madness?

Because the female caster has too distorted ideology, or because she made remarks of pseudo-moralism, I was concerned about the appearance which seemed to have been a Graves' disease but until now I could not look into my eyesight.

I see a little better whether she is under treatment recently.

Why do not you stop swaying foolish thoughts and return to ordinary people?

It is better for you to leave, not only for your health, but also for Japan and the world to not give any big loss or huge damage.

The time to leave is coming in.

But the real problem is that they are human beings who, too, are not what person except townspeople ordinary originally,

Broadcasting stations that make such humans discuss the world and the nation,

Broadcasting stations that have made them discuss politics,

There is a real problem in Japan as a terrible form that such broadcasting station dominates Japan's speech field with oligopoly.

It goes without saying that it is the same in media such as newspapers.

When I inevitably appeared in the net world ... ... it came out with mentioning that Japan's mass media should be re-constructed and dismantled....

In my opinion, perceptive owners in Japan, or around the world, knew that it was quite right in this respect too.

even a fabricated news about a comfort women who was continuing to do, they do not take notice

2018年01月22日 10時38分38秒 | 日記

The following is the chapter sent to 2015-08-15.

I was watching the news station by TV Asahi every day, with inertia I have not been aware of their actual condition yet, and watching it for a long time ... It was a tragic thing indeed.

Naturally, now, I do not see it at all.

This and TBS news 23, needless to say, unlike the time I was watching without knowing anything, I do not see it at all.

The following is the chapter.

As a continuation of the previous chapter, the news station of TV Asahi last night was really terrible.

The comment which they wrote forever on the upper right of the screen is terrible.

Abe's prime minister’s discourse is not as exactly what the Asahi Shimbun had requested, but in a way that they are just iron masks of justice, the telop 'but it mentions…' they shed all the time.

This also means that they are already crazy.

That is, they do not want to admit their mistakes absolutely ... they think that admitting is their death.

Their attitude is no different from the rogue that lives in the world any longer. ... The villain is 2% of the population always exists.

Kono discourse and Murayama discourse, the severity of its establishment process ... even this fact is made by the Asahi Shimbun, even a fabricated news about a comfort women who was continuing to do, they do not take notice.

It is exactly as mad as when the world once went into war.

Their assertiveness is correct, the partner who you do not know is wrong.

They also demonstrate that it is a traditional thinking of the Asahi Newspaper.

For the discourse of Prime Minister Abe who was implicitly implied with the reality made by such foolish people, the news station called out the Washington Bureau Director, who gave a truly disgusting comment.

It was introduced as an opinion of US lawmakers about the opinion stained in anti-Japanese propaganda which is obviously a comment of a person like Mike · Honda.

It is a problem before saying that it was disgusted, and so on.

What is the Asahi Shimbun newspaper in what country?

The face of this branch supervisor cannot do it already.

His expression is not ordinary.

He has an unpleasant look to his eyes that exceeded Wakamiya Yoshibumi when he appeared as a commentator on this program.

In Japan, people who have such eyes since ancient times have been obsessed by foxes ... clues to the eyes of human beings who are obsessed with possessions.

In modern times, it should be stated that brainwashed eyes, strangely settled in distorted ideology, depending on someone.

It was an eyes that their thoughts were denied and crazy.

This draft continues.


Même pour «une grande

2018年01月22日 10時15分17秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est la suite du chapitre précédent.
Xi Jinping régime qui est entré dans le deuxième mandat et a terminé le Congrès du Parti communiste, l'avenir, ou sera-t-il être modifié une telle position intransigeante contre le Japon.Ma réponse à cela est toujours non.

Xi Jinping a déclaré que la Chine entrerait dans la "nouvelle ère" sous la direction de lui-même lors de la convention du parti.
En tant que personnage de cette «nouvelle ère», ou comme objectif pour cette «nouvelle ère», M. Xi Jinping a plaidé pour une «grande reconstruction de la nation» et poussera la Chine vers «un pays puissant du monde».
Même pour la «grande reconstruction de la nation», même si elle est «une nation puissante du monde», c'est simplement la reconstruction de «l'ordre chinois» qui fait de la Chine un sommet asiatique de premier ordre.
Pour la promotion de la stratégie asiatique du régime de Xi Jinping, ou dans «l'ordre chinois» où la Chine vise à se reconstruire, le positionnement du pays du Japon continuera à être un «pays semi-hostile» à bannir, à éliminer comme avant il le fera.
Par conséquent, le régime de Xi Jinping a fait des relations diplomatiques minimales avec le Japon comme le sommet à la conférence internationale après le deuxième mandat, tout en évitant la désintégration complète des relations sino-japonaises, mais pour l'améliorer fondamentalement, ils n'embarqueront pas.
Au contraire, on s'attend à ce que les attitudes envers le Japon deviennent de plus en plus sévères à la suite du problème des Senkaku.
Pour Xi Jinping qui a arrangé sa propre «pensée de Xi Jinping» dans la convention du parti en accord avec Mao Zedong au congrès de l'autre parti, c'est la preuve qu'il est un grand leader en ligne avec Mao Zedong c'est plus important qu'autre chose.
Ce faisant, la victoire diplomatique ou militaire contre le Japon de «semi-hostile» sous une forme visible peut être une bonne «preuve de grandeur» pour M. Xi Jinping.
En ce sens, comment protéger l'intérêt et la sécurité nationale du Japon de toute guerre diplomatique, guerre historique et menaces militaires lancées par le régime de Xi Jinping est important pour l'administration Abe au Japon, à peu près comme répondre à la crise politique nord-coréenne. .
C'est le plus grand point d'attente que j'ai donné à l'administration Abe.
Ce projet continue.

Incluso para la 'gran reconstrucción de la nación', incluso si es 'una nación poderosa del mundo'

2018年01月22日 10時14分39秒 | 日記

La siguiente es la continuación del capítulo anterior.
El régimen de Xi Jinping que ha entrado en el segundo mandato y terminado el Congreso del Partido Comunista, el futuro, o se modificará una postura tan dura contra Japón. Mi respuesta a eso sigue siendo no.

Xi Jinping declaró que China ingresará a la "nueva era" bajo la guía de él mismo en la convención del partido.
Como personaje de esta "nueva era", o como objetivo de esta "nueva era", el Sr. Xi Jinping defendió la "gran reconstrucción de la nación" y llevará a China a "un país poderoso del mundo".
Incluso para la "gran reconstrucción de la nación", incluso si se trata de "una nación poderosa del mundo", es simplemente la reconstrucción del "orden chino" lo que convierte a China en una de las mejores top de Asia nuevamente.
Para la promoción de la estrategia asiática del régimen de Xi Jinping, o en el "orden chino" donde China pretende reconstruir, el posicionamiento del país de Japón seguirá siendo un "país semiabierto" que se prohibirá, será eliminado como antes lo hará.
Por lo tanto, el régimen de Xi Jinping ha establecido relaciones diplomáticas mínimas con Japón, como la cumbre en la conferencia internacional después de entrar en el segundo mandato, evitando la desintegración total de las relaciones entre Japón y China, pero para mejorarla fundamentalmente no se embarcarán en ella.
Por el contrario, se espera que las actitudes hacia Japón se vuelvan cada vez más severas como resultado del problema de Senkaku.
Para Xi Jinping, quien organizó su propio 'Pensamiento Xi Jinping' en la convención del partido en línea con Mao Zedong en la convención del otro partido, es una prueba de que él es un gran líder alineado con Mao Zedong, es más importante que cualquier otra cosa.
Al hacerlo, la victoria diplomática o militar contra Japón de "semi-hostil" en una forma visible puede ser una buena "prueba de grandeza" para el Sr. Xi Jinping.
En ese sentido, cómo proteger el interés nacional y la seguridad de Japón de toda guerra diplomática, guerra histórica y amenazas militares lanzadas por el régimen de Xi Jinping es importante para la administración de Abe en Japón, casi lo mismo que responder a la crisis de Corea. .
Ese es el mayor punto de expectativa que le he dado a la administración de Abe.
Este borrador continúa.