文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The Asahi Shimbun probably still displays this photo at the top of the page to give that impression

2018年01月30日 17時52分28秒 | 日記

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter. 

Since some people still doubt my relationship with Kake Gakuen and its chairman, Mr. Kotaro Kake, I want to set the facts straight here. 

On the "Topics on Koichi Hagiuda" page on Asahi Shimbun Digital, an article dated June 20 with a photo of me, Prime Minister Abe, and Kotaro Kake chatting with a can of beer in hand is still displayed at the top of the page. 

This was posted on my blog on May 10, 2013. It was taken during Golden Week that year when I attended a barbecue by Lake Kawaguchi.

Nearly 50 people were in attendance at the time, and I captured the moment when I greeted the Prime Minister and President Kake.

Naturally, the topic of the particular zone application was not even mentioned. 

However, this photo was reported as a symbolic image of the Kake Gakuen issue.

Hagiuda took a picture of himself being so friendly with Chancellor Kake, even though he said he did not know Chancellor Kake. Hagiuda is lying.

The Asahi Shimbun probably still displays this photo at the top of the page to give that impression.

However, this is not true.

This article continues.

*Arima presented this photo on NHK's watch9. 
Kuwako gave the most malicious impression as a person engaged in news reporting, saying, "It's not right to say there is no relationship with this..." If you know the above facts about this photo, you will understand that the people who now control NHK's news department...their bosses...are the same as those in charge of the news department. 
I guessed that the leader of this group was Kenichi Okoshi, a mere baseball player from the University of Tokyo. He has a relationship with Hiroshi Hoshi, a leading figure of the press club and a big-time reporter of Asahi Shimbun, whom he has been worshipping as his senior because they are both from Fukushima and Niigata, the northeastern part of Japan. In other words, this single photo proves that the Asahi Shimbun is in touch with those who control the current NHK news. 
Seeing is believing.

but you probably are lying to do bad things that’s what it was saying on TV

2018年01月30日 17時24分54秒 | 日記

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.

The Story of "Hagiuda is Evil" 

At one time, I was pursued by the opposition to the point where they demanded that I testify.

But what has happened now?

No new facts or conclusive evidence of my involvement has emerged from the opposition or the media.

The calls for witnesses to be subpoenaed have completely gone unheard.

Yet, there are no reports that "the allegations have been cleared."

Many people's only impression is that "Hagiuda seems to have done something wrong with the Kake issue," and the situation has been left in limbo. 

For example, during the lower house election in October last year, I was yelled at for explaining the Kake issue when speaking on the street.

After the speech, I approached the person who yelled at me and said, "I will explain it to you, so please tell me something I don't understand." To which the person replied, "I don't know 'something,' but you must be doing something wrong and lying. That's what they said on TV. 

Even those who follow the news a little more closely say, "Hagiuda is a close associate of Prime Minister Abe and has been a visiting professor at a Kake Gakuen-affiliated school and is now a visiting professor emeritus as well. Because he is a person of interest, he must have exerted some pressure or influence on the establishment of the new veterinary school," and they have come to believe the story painted by the opposition parties and the media. 

However, as I pointed out earlier, we are not allowed to get involved in the approval of special zone applications.

There is no fact that I gave any instructions regarding this matter, but even if the Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary had instructed us to hasten the procedures for a matter for which the policy for a national strategic special zone had been decided, wouldn't it be out of line to call that pressure?

This article continues.

However, the opposition parties and even the media twisted the facts.

2018年01月30日 17時04分57秒 | 日記

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter. 

However, the opposition parties and even the media twisted the facts. They created impressions based on this document and the testimony of former Vice Minister of Education Kihei Maekawa about it, as if it were "conclusive evidence that the administration was distorted through the push of the Prime Minister or some other discovery. 

Of course, there is nothing wrong with the media covering the questions of opposition party members or the opposition parties covering the issues raised by the press in the Diet.

However, we must not twist the facts.

Once you have raised the issue, you are responsible for reporting "what happened due to our coverage and questioning. 

It has been more than 10 months since the initial report, but the question of whether the Asahi Shimbun has fulfilled this responsibility goes without saying.

To date, no reporter from the Asahi Shimbun has even come to me personally to interview me about the documents concerning me.

This article continues.

I never thought that it would be a big fuss in the National Assembly for more than six months

2018年01月30日 16時45分06秒 | 日記

It is true that we have given them a curt answer, "What the heck are they talking about?

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.

I had no idea that Kakei Gakuen's board chairman, Kotaro Kake, who is establishing a new veterinary school in Imabari City, and Prime Minister Abe happened to be close friends and that this would become an issue and cause a big fuss in the Diet for more than six months. 

In retrospect, it is true that the government, including myself, made a mistake in our initial response.

I was the Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary at the time. When the Kake issue first came under scrutiny, the opposition parties were saying things that were so far out of line that it is true that we have given them a curt answer, "What the heck are they talking about? 

However, in hindsight, we should have been more sincere in explaining to the public, not to the opposition party members in front of us, but to the people beyond them, that these were not allegations. 

On the other hand, the Kake Gakuen issue is not a system in which we can enter into the application and approval process and push some deliberate agenda.

In other words, it was the common understanding of all concerned, including private-sector experts, that there was no room for Prime Minister Abe to bring in his relationships and tamper with them to gain an advantage over his acquaintances.

Therefore, we did not consider the "Prime Minister's intention" document on the front page of the May 17, 2017 edition, which the Asahi Shimbun reported as if it were "conclusive evidence" to be a problem at all. 

It had already been reported in April that I was an honorary visiting professor at Chiba Science University, a Kake Gakuen affiliate. So even when this document came out, those involved were joking and laughing, saying, "So the highest level in the Prime Minister's Office is Hagiuda after all.

This article continues.

Ces dernières années, il est extrêmement

2018年01月30日 16時04分52秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est la suite du chapitre précédent.
"Je ne connais pas le moment précis, mais si les autorités taiwanaises renforcent la tendance à l'indépendance, le jour de l'unification viendra bientôt."
Vice-président du Comité d'étude de Taiwan, qui a occupé le poste de vice-président du Conseil des affaires réglementaires de Taiwan et d'autres fonctionnaires pendant de nombreuses années, est devenu le centre de la politique chinoise envers Taiwan, M. Wang Xin a affirmé le contenu livre à mi-chemin des médias chinois.
Vice-président du Comité d'étude de Taiwan, qui a occupé le poste de vice-président du Conseil des affaires réglementaires de Taiwan et d'autres fonctionnaires pendant de nombreuses années, est devenu le centre de la politique chinoise envers Taiwan, M. Wang Xin a affirmé le contenu livre aux médias chinois.
Puis il est intervenu comme "la paix signifie ou la guerre, décider après avoir vu le mouvement des autorités taiwanaises".
Ces dernières années, il est extrêmement inhabituel pour les parties prenantes concernées en Chine de se référer directement à l'usage de la force à Taiwan.
Le 24 octobre, dans les Jeux du parti communiste fermés, Xi Jinping, secrétaire général du parti, a été déclaré "l'accomplissement de la mission historique".
"Accomplissement de la réunification du territoire" dans "Modernisation de la construction" "Maintenir la paix dans le monde et promouvoir le développement commun" ne fait qu'ajouter Taiwan à la carte de la Chine.
Ce projet continue.

En los últimos años, es extremadamente

2018年01月30日 16時04分17秒 | 日記

La siguiente es la continuación del capítulo anterior.
"No sé el momento específico, pero si las autoridades taiwanesas fortalecen la tendencia independentista, el día de la unificación llegará pronto".
El vicepresidente del Comité de Estudio de Taiwán, que se ha desempeñado como vicepresidente de la Oficina de Asuntos Regulatorios del Consejo de Estado de Taiwán y otros funcionarios durante muchos años, se ha convertido en el centro de la política china hacia Taiwán, el Sr. Wang Xin ha afirmado el contenido de Easton reservar a mitad de camino a los medios chinos.
El vicepresidente del Comité de Estudio de Taiwán, que se ha desempeñado como vicepresidente de la Oficina de Asuntos Regulatorios del Consejo de Estado de Taiwán y otros funcionarios durante muchos años, se ha convertido en el centro de la política china hacia Taiwán, el Sr. Wang Xin ha afirmado el contenido de Easton reservar a los medios chinos.
Luego intervino como "medios de paz o guerra, decide después de ver el movimiento de las autoridades taiwanesas".
En los últimos años, es extremadamente inusual que las partes interesadas en China se refieran directamente al uso de la fuerza en Taiwán.
El 24 de octubre, en los Juegos del Partido Comunista cerrados, Xi Jinping, secretario general del partido, fue declarado "el logro de la misión histórica de los tres".
La "finalización de la reunificación de la nación" enlistada con "Modernización de la construcción", "Mantenimiento de la paz mundial y promoción del desarrollo común", es solo agregar Taiwán al mapa de China.
Este borrador continúa.

In den letzten Jahren

2018年01月30日 16時03分43秒 | 日記

Das Folgende ist die Fortsetzung des vorherigen Kapitels.
"Ich kenne die genaue Zeit nicht, aber wenn die taiwanesischen Behörden den Unabhängigkeitstrend verstärken, wird der Tag der Vereinigung bald kommen."
Der stellvertretende Vorsitzende des taiwanesischen Studienausschusses, der viele Jahre lang stellvertretender Vorsitzender des taiwanesischen Büros für Regulierungsangelegenheiten des Staatsrats und anderer Beamter war, ist zum Zentrum der chinesischen Politik gegenüber Taiwan geworden, Herr Wang Xin hat den Inhalt von Easton bestätigt Buch auf halbem Wege zu den chinesischen Medien.
Der stellvertretende Vorsitzende des taiwanesischen Studienausschusses, der viele Jahre lang stellvertretender Vorsitzender des taiwanesischen Büros für Regulierungsangelegenheiten des Staatsrats und anderer Beamter war, ist zum Zentrum der chinesischen Politik gegenüber Taiwan geworden, Herr Wang Xin hat den Inhalt von Easton bestätigt Buch zu den chinesischen Medien.
Dann trat er ein als "Frieden bedeutet oder Krieg, entscheiden, nachdem er die Bewegung der taiwanesischen Behörden gesehen hat".
In den letzten Jahren ist es für die in China betroffenen Akteure äußerst ungewöhnlich, direkt auf den Einsatz von Gewalt nach Taiwan hinzuweisen.
Am 24. Oktober wurde Xi Jinping, Generalsekretär der Partei, in den geschlossenen Kommunistischen Parteispielen zur "Errungenschaft der drei historischen Mission" erklärt.
"Abschluss der Heimatvereinigung", aufgeführt unter "Modernisation Construction" "Aufrechterhaltung des Weltfriedens und Förderung der gemeinsamen Entwicklung" fügt Taiwan nur noch Chinas Landkarte hinzu.
Dieser Entwurf wird fortgesetzt.

Nos últimos anos,

2018年01月30日 16時01分52秒 | 日記

O seguinte é a continuação do capítulo anterior.
"Não conheço o tempo específico, mas se as autoridades de Taiwan fortalecerem a tendência da independência, o dia da unificação virá em breve".
Vice-presidente do Comitê de Estudo de Taiwan, que atuou como vice-presidente do Conselho de Estado, Taiwan Office of Regulatory Affairs e outros funcionários por muitos anos, tornou-se o centro da política chinesa em relação a Taiwan, o Sr. Wang Xin afirmou o conteúdo da Easton's Reserve meio caminho para a mídia chinesa.
Vice-presidente do Comitê de Estudo de Taiwan, que atuou como vice-presidente do Conselho de Estado, Taiwan Office of Regulatory Affairs e outros funcionários por muitos anos, tornou-se o centro da política chinesa em relação a Taiwan, o Sr. Wang Xin afirmou o conteúdo da Easton's livro para a mídia chinesa.
Então ele entrou como "paz significa ou guerra, decide depois de ver o movimento das autoridades taiwanesas".
Nos últimos anos, é extremamente incomum para os interessados envolvidos na China se referirem diretamente ao uso da força em Taiwan.
No dia 24 de outubro, nos Jogos fechados do Partido Comunista, Xi Jinping, secretário geral do partido, foi declarado "conquista da missão histórica".
"Conclusão da reunificação da pátria" listada com "Construção da modernização", "Manter a paz mundial e promover o desenvolvimento comum" é apenas adicionar Taiwan ao mapa da China.
Este rascunho continua.


2018年01月30日 16時01分19秒 | 日記


it was a year when deterioration of the press was recognized as a big problem

2018年01月30日 16時00分13秒 | 日記

The following is from Kochi Hagyuda's paper of Members of the House of Representatives / Liberal Democratic Party Secretary General Deputy, former Deputy Secretary of the Cabinet Secretary published in the monthly issue of HANADA this month.

Emphasis in sentences other than heading is me.

Kake problem is ‘alleged being made’

Fuss in the National Assembly for more than half a year

In 2017, it was a year when deterioration of the press was recognized as a big problem.

Among them, the deterioration of the newspaper / television coverage that still has influence on the people is to be unpardonable.

It is natural for politicians to be exposed to severe criticism at times, but it should be based on facts to the last.

However, in the question of ‘Mori&Kake’ which was popular around the world last year, not based on facts labeling, image maneuvering rampant, and reported as if an innocent person worked as a bad thing.

There was a bad point that we put two problems on ‘Mori&Kake’ as one point, and there were points that the government and the administrative side had to reconsider about the management of the land indeed regarding the Moritomo Gakuen problem.

However, the Kake Gakuen problem is ‘the alleged being made’ itself.

Ehime Prefecture Imabari City's National Strategy Special Zone Application is just a matter of pursuing the examination in accordance with the flow of administrative procedures and if it meets the conditions, the special zoning application will pass, and it will be dismissed unless it matches.

This draft continues.

최근 몇 년 동안

2018年01月30日 15時59分22秒 | 日記

다음은 이전 장의 계속입니다.
"구체적인 시간은 모르지만 대만 당국이 독립 경향을 강화하면 곧 통일의 날이 올 것"이라고 말했다.
대만 국무원 대만 사무소 부국장과 수년간 다른 관리들을 역임 한 대만 연구위원회 (Taiwan Study Committee) 부의장은 대만에 대한 중국 정책의 중심지가되었다. Wang Xin은 Easton 's 중국 매체의 중간에 책.
대만 국무원 대만 사무소 부국장과 수년간 다른 관리들을 역임 한 대만 연구위원회 (Taiwan Study Committee) 부의장은 대만에 대한 중국 정책의 중심지가되었다. Wang Xin은 Easton 's 중국 매체에 책을.
그런 다음 그는 평화 수단 또는 전쟁으로 들어서 대만 당국의 움직임을보고 나서 결정했다.
최근 몇 년 동안 중국에 관련된 이해 당사자들이 대만에 대한 무력 사용을 직접 언급하는 것은 극히 드문 일입니다.
10 월 24 일 닫힌 공산당 총서기에서 서린 사무 총장의 서진핑 (Chen Jinping)은 "3 역사 선교의 성취"로 선언되었다.
"근대화 건설", "세계 평화 유지와 공동 발전"으로 나열된 "조국 통일의 완료"는 단지 대만지도를 중국지도에 추가하는 것입니다.
이 초안은 계속됩니다.

В последние годы

2018年01月30日 15時58分46秒 | 日記

Следующее - продолжение предыдущей главы.
«Я не знаю конкретного времени, но если тайваньские власти усилят тенденцию к независимости, наступит день объединения».
Заместитель председателя Тайваньского комитета по исследованиям, который в течение многих лет занимал пост заместителя председателя Государственного совета Тайваньского управления по регулированию и других должностных лиц, стал центром китайской политики в отношении Тайваня, г-н Ван Синь подтвердил содержание Истона книги на полпути к китайским СМИ.
Заместитель председателя Тайваньского комитета по исследованиям, который в течение многих лет занимал пост заместителя председателя Государственного совета Тайваньского управления по регулированию и других должностных лиц, стал центром китайской политики в отношении Тайваня, г-н Ван Синь подтвердил содержание Истона книги для китайских СМИ.
Затем он вступил в «мирные средства или войну», решив, увидев движение тайваньских властей ».
В последние годы для заинтересованных сторон, заинтересованных в Китае, крайне необычно прямо ссылаться на применение силы на Тайване.
24 октября в закрытых партийных играх партии Цзи Цзиньпин генеральный секретарь партии был объявлен «достижением трех исторических миссий».
«Завершение воссоединения Родины», перечисленное в разделе «Модернизация строительства» «Поддержание мира во всем мире и содействие совместному развитию», просто добавляет Тайвань к карте Китая.
Этот проект продолжается.

Dalam tahun-tahun kebelakangan ini,

2018年01月30日 15時58分08秒 | 日記

Berikut adalah kesinambungan bab sebelumnya.
"Saya tidak tahu masa tertentu, tetapi jika pihak berkuasa Taiwan menguatkan trend kemerdekaan, hari penyatuan akan datang tidak lama lagi."
Naib Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kajian Taiwan, yang telah berkhidmat sebagai Naib Pengerusi Majlis Negeri Taiwan Pejabat Hal Ehwal Pengawalseliaan dan pegawai-pegawai lain selama bertahun-tahun, telah menjadi pusat kebijakan Cina terhadap Taiwan, Mr Wang telah mengesahkan kandungan Easton's buku di tengah-tengah media China.
Naib Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kajian Taiwan, yang telah berkhidmat sebagai Naib Pengerusi Majlis Negeri Taiwan Pejabat Hal Ehwal Pengawalseliaan dan pegawai-pegawai lain selama bertahun-tahun, telah menjadi pusat kebijakan Cina terhadap Taiwan, Mr Wang telah mengesahkan kandungan Easton's buku kepada media Cina.
Kemudian dia melangkah masuk sebagai "cara damai atau perang, memutuskan selepas melihat pergerakan pihak berkuasa Taiwan".
Dalam tahun-tahun kebelakangan ini, sangat luar biasa bagi pihak berkepentingan yang berkenaan di China untuk terus merujuk kepada penggunaan kekerasan ke Taiwan.
Pada 24 Oktober, dalam Sukan Parti Komunis yang tertutup, Xi Jinping daripada setiausaha agung parti telah diisytiharkan sebagai "pencapaian tiga misi sejarah".
"Penyiapan penyatuan semula tanah air" disenaraikan dengan "Pembinaan Pemodenan" "Mengekalkan keamanan dunia dan mempromosikan pembangunan bersama" hanya menambahkan Taiwan ke peta China.
Draf ini berterusan.

Viime vuosina Kiinassa kiinnostuneille sidosryhmille on erittäin epätavallista viitata suoraan

2018年01月30日 15時57分35秒 | 日記

Seuraavassa on edellisen luvun jatko.
"En tiedä tiettyä aikaa, mutta jos orwanilaiset viranomaiset vahvistavat itsenäisyyssuuntausta, yhdistymisen päivä tulee pian."
Taiwanin tutkimuskomitean varapuheenjohtaja, joka on toiminut useiden vuosien ajan valtioneuvoston Taiwanin sääntelyviranomaisten ja muiden virkamiesten varapuheenjohtajana, on tullut Kiinan kiinanpolitiikan keskus Taiwania kohtaan. Wang Xin on vahvistanut Eastonin kirjaa puolivälissä kiinalaisille tiedotusvälineille.
Taiwanin tutkimuskomitean varapuheenjohtaja, joka on toiminut useiden vuosien ajan valtioneuvoston Taiwanin sääntelyviranomaisten ja muiden virkamiesten varapuheenjohtajana, on tullut Kiinan kiinanpolitiikan keskus Taiwania kohtaan. Wang Xin on vahvistanut Eastonin kirja kiinalaisille tiedotusvälineille.
Sitten hän astui sisään "rauhankeinoina tai sodana, päättäessään nähdä taiwanilaisten viranomaisten liikkumisen".
Viime vuosina Kiinassa kiinnostuneille sidosryhmille on erittäin epätavallista viitata suoraan voimankäyttöön Taiwanissa.
24. lokakuuta suljetussa kommunistisen puolueen peleissä pääsihteeri Xi Jinping julistettiin "kolmen historiallisen tehtävän saavuttamiseksi".
"Modernisointirakentamisen" luettelossa "Homeland reunion loppuun saattaminen", "Maailmanrauhan ylläpitäminen ja yhteistä kehitystä edistävä", on vain lisäämällä Taiwanin Kiinan karttaan.
Tämä luonnos jatkuu.

I de senere år er det yderst usædvanligt, at interesserede parter i Kina direkte henviser til

2018年01月30日 15時57分01秒 | 日記

Følgende er fortsættelsen af det foregående kapitel.
"Jeg kender ikke den specifikke tid, men hvis de taiwanske myndigheder styrker uafhængighedstendensen, kommer foreningsdagen snart."
Næstformand i Taiwan Studieudvalget, der har fungeret som næstformand for statsrådet Taiwan Office of Regulatory Affairs og andre embedsmænd i mange år, er blevet centrum for kinesisk politik over for Taiwan, Mr. Wang Xin har bekræftet indholdet af Easton s bog halvvejs til de kinesiske medier.
Næstformand i Taiwan Studieudvalget, der har fungeret som næstformand for statsrådet Taiwan Office of Regulatory Affairs og andre embedsmænd i mange år, er blevet centrum for kinesisk politik over for Taiwan, Mr. Wang Xin har bekræftet indholdet af Easton s bog til de kinesiske medier.
Derefter trådte han ind som "fredsmidler eller krig, beslutte efter at have set taiwanske myndigheders bevægelse".
I de seneste år er det yderst usædvanligt, at interesserede parter i Kina direkte henviser til brugen af magt til Taiwan.
Den 24. oktober i den lukkede kommunistpartyspil blev Xi Jinping fra partiets generalsekretær erklæret "opnåelsen af de tre historiske missioner".
"Gennemførelse af hjemlandsmodning", der er opført med "Moderniseringskonstruktion" "Vedligeholdelse af verdensfred og fremme af fælles udvikling" tilføjer blot Taiwan til Kinas kort.
Dette udkast fortsætter.