BBC How does North Korea do business under sanctions? 29 Dec 2017
「State media reported on a successful event that saw businesses from Syria, China, Cuba, Iran, Italy, Indonesia, Vietnam and Taiwan attend」
「The UN has already frozen the asset of dozens of North Korean companies involved in foreign trade, partly because the regime takes a big cut of business done in the outside world. It includes the export of goods, but also its own people」
輸出品目に「its own people」が入っているのが流石である(※褒めてない)。
「The most lucrative source of foreign currency might come from North Korean workers toiling in shipyard and construction sites in as many as 40 countries around the world.」
武器の輸出入については…「MIG-21 fighter jets were found on the Chong Chan Gang」なんてのは、最近また『エリア88』をみてた身としては「おおお」を目をみはる。
「Wooden crates containing the grenades were buried under 2,300 tonnes of limonite (iron ore), which is also banned under a UN resolution. The consignment was falsely labelled "assembly parts for underwater pumps"」
BBC Seized N Korean ship: Cuban weapons on board 17 July 2013
「The Cuban foreign ministry said the ship was carrying obsolete Soviet-era arms from Cuba for repair in North Korea」
「It said the vessel was carrying 240 tonnes of obsolete defensive weapons - two anti-aircraft missile complexes, nine missiles in parts and spares, two MiG-21bis fighter planes and 15 MiG engines」
「The Cuban statement said they were all made in the mid-20th Century and were to be repaired and returned to Cuba」
「Mr Martinelli said the 35-strong crew had resisted the search and the captain had tried to kill himself」
「According to the expert, the ship has been suspected of carrying narcotics in the past, which would have made it a prime target for a search」
「State media reported on a successful event that saw businesses from Syria, China, Cuba, Iran, Italy, Indonesia, Vietnam and Taiwan attend」
「The UN has already frozen the asset of dozens of North Korean companies involved in foreign trade, partly because the regime takes a big cut of business done in the outside world. It includes the export of goods, but also its own people」
輸出品目に「its own people」が入っているのが流石である(※褒めてない)。
「The most lucrative source of foreign currency might come from North Korean workers toiling in shipyard and construction sites in as many as 40 countries around the world.」
武器の輸出入については…「MIG-21 fighter jets were found on the Chong Chan Gang」なんてのは、最近また『エリア88』をみてた身としては「おおお」を目をみはる。
「Wooden crates containing the grenades were buried under 2,300 tonnes of limonite (iron ore), which is also banned under a UN resolution. The consignment was falsely labelled "assembly parts for underwater pumps"」
BBC Seized N Korean ship: Cuban weapons on board 17 July 2013
「The Cuban foreign ministry said the ship was carrying obsolete Soviet-era arms from Cuba for repair in North Korea」
「It said the vessel was carrying 240 tonnes of obsolete defensive weapons - two anti-aircraft missile complexes, nine missiles in parts and spares, two MiG-21bis fighter planes and 15 MiG engines」
「The Cuban statement said they were all made in the mid-20th Century and were to be repaired and returned to Cuba」
「Mr Martinelli said the 35-strong crew had resisted the search and the captain had tried to kill himself」
「According to the expert, the ship has been suspected of carrying narcotics in the past, which would have made it a prime target for a search」