


2020-03-17 11:55:58 | Newsメモ

BBC Coronavirus: Germany and France announce strict measures 16 Mar 2020

Germany and France have imposed stringent new measures to limit social contact as countries across Europe try to stem the spread of the coronavirus.

 フランス・マクロン大統領曰く「我々は保健戦争のただなかにある」。EUの外線国境を木曜から閉鎖するという見通しを語ってもおり、難民・移民への壁を厚くする。しかし既にレスボスの過密な難民キャンプで少なくとも1例のコロナウィルス感染者が発見されたとMSFが言ったようであり、まあ…下手すると感染爆発で死の島扱いされる可能性さえある。というかイタリアで新規感染者3233に対して新規死亡349だそうで(worldometers.info)、単純な数字だと死亡10%に見えかねない(まあtotal cases 27980に対してtotal deaths 2158に達し、7.7%では…まあ…)。

French President Emmanuel Macron announced an enforced lockdown, a step similar to curbs imposed by Italy and Spain, saying: "We're in a health war".

Mr Macron also said the European Union's external borders would be closed to travellers from Tuesday.


In Germany, most non-grocery shops and venues have been ordered to shut.

Chancellor Angela Merkel also banned religious services and told people to cancel any domestic or foreign holiday travel. Schools across the country have already been shut.

 フランスも本気を出してきており(total cases 6633, total deaths 148で、new deaths 21ではなあ)、違反者には罰を下すぞ、ロックダウンをしっかり実施するため10万人のofficersを全土に展開するぞという。ちょっとした数だが、さて実効性はあがるかどうか。

The restrictions will be in place for at least 15 days, Mr Macron added, vowing to punish any infringement. The government later said more than 100,000 officers would be deployed nationwide to enforce the lockdown.

The country will close its land borders from midday (11:00 GMT) on Tuesday, when the EU's external borders and the Shenghen borderless zone will also be shut, Mr Macron said.


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