先日ソマリア政府側はEl Burなる土地を奪還。勝利の報にわいたようだが、どうも周辺の要地を奪われたようで。
BBC Somali militants retake captured areas from army 29 Aug 2023 By Will Ross
「Fighters from the Islamist militant group al-Shabab have retaken at least two locations that had just been captured by Somalia's army during a new offensive.
There are reports of both sides suffering significant losses during a fierce battle for control of Cowsweyne.」
「Sources at a military hospital said at least 50 wounded soldiers were brought in for treatment.」
となるとEl Burをほぼ無血で政府側に譲り渡したのは、そののちの戦術上の必要であったかもしれず。
「On Friday the army and clan militias celebrated the capture of an al-Shabab stronghold, El Bur.
However the re-capture of a nearby village Wabho shows that the military is vulnerable to counter-attacks in areas where the jihadists have long been entrenched.」
何しろこの辺りの地域はal Shababの支配下にあって久しい。情報網から何から、だいぶ用意をしていたかも。
BBC Somali militants retake captured areas from army 29 Aug 2023 By Will Ross
「Fighters from the Islamist militant group al-Shabab have retaken at least two locations that had just been captured by Somalia's army during a new offensive.
There are reports of both sides suffering significant losses during a fierce battle for control of Cowsweyne.」
「Sources at a military hospital said at least 50 wounded soldiers were brought in for treatment.」
となるとEl Burをほぼ無血で政府側に譲り渡したのは、そののちの戦術上の必要であったかもしれず。
「On Friday the army and clan militias celebrated the capture of an al-Shabab stronghold, El Bur.
However the re-capture of a nearby village Wabho shows that the military is vulnerable to counter-attacks in areas where the jihadists have long been entrenched.」
何しろこの辺りの地域はal Shababの支配下にあって久しい。情報網から何から、だいぶ用意をしていたかも。