

DR Congo:エボラ死者1000人超す

2019-05-04 21:20:03 | Newsメモ
BBC DR Congo Ebola deaths pass 1,000 3 May 2019

The death toll from the Ebola epidemic in the Democratic Republic of Congo has passed 1,000, the health ministry says.

DR Congo:エボラ大流行中! のはずなんだけど(2019-03-29)」

DRC's Ebola outbreak began in August and is the second deadliest in history.


World Health Organization deputy director Dr Michael Ryan said mistrust and violence was harming efforts to tackle the disease as it spread through the east of the country.


There have been 119 documented attacks on medical centres and staff since January, Dr Ryan said.



Health workers have plenty of vaccines - more than 100,000 people have already been given the treatment. But continuing violence in the east of the country where militias are present, as well as mistrust of doctors, was hindering their programme, Dr Ryan said.



The DRC is also suffering from an outbreak of measles which has killed more than 1,000 people, with 50,000 cases reported. WHO staff have confirmed measles in 14 of the country's 26 provinces, in both rural and urban areas.


Ebola is still contained within two provinces in the DRC but it is becoming harder to monitor the spread of the virus because of violence. The WHO said the risk of a global spread is low, but it was very likely cases would spread into neighbouring countries.

 ということで、被害地域は2 provincesに極限できており、この情勢不安地域から漏れ出ることがあっても、まあ世界の終わりには直結しないであろうと言う感じみたい。にしても、大昔の、「感染者が出たら周辺の村が全部閉鎖状態に入って、感染者がでた村が全滅するのを待つ」のほうが速かったんじゃね?的なこんな状況がつづくと、社会の回復にも多大な影響が出そうで…。

Most Ebola outbreaks are over quickly and affect small numbers of people. Only once before has an outbreak been still growing more than eight months after it began - that was the epidemic in West Africa between 2013 and 2016, which killed 11,310 people.

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