イタリアでは全ての州で新型コロナウィルス感染者を確認、new casesは+1797(total 9172)、new deathsは+97(total deaths 463)で堂々世界第二位。韓国を突き放した。この事態についに全土で移動・集会に制約をつける。
BBC Coronavirus: Italy extends emergency measures nationwide 10 Mar 2020
民主主義国家としては伝家の宝刀的な感がある。しかしtotal deaths 463をtotal cases 9172で割ると、死亡率は仮にも5%と出る。十分、死病と評しうる。
「Italy has extended its emergency coronavirus measures, which include travel restrictions and a ban on public gatherings, to the entire country.」
「On Monday, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte ordered people to stay home and seek permission for essential travel.
He said the measures were designed to protect the most vulnerable. "There is no more time," he said in a TV address.」
「Italy's coronavirus death toll jumped from 366 to 463 on Monday. It is the worst-hit country after China.
The number of confirmed infection also increased by 24% from Sunday, official figures showed.
Cases of the virus have been confirmed in all 20 Italian regions.」
「Canada has confirmed the first death related to the virus - an elderly male patient in a care home in Vancouver, British Columbia」
「Mr Conte described the measures as "I stay home" - with people forbidden to gather in public. "No more nightlife; we can't allow this anymore since they are occasions for contagion," he said.
All sporting events - including football matches - are suspended nationwide. Schools and universities will remain closed until 3 April.」
BBC Coronavirus: Italy extends emergency measures nationwide 10 Mar 2020
民主主義国家としては伝家の宝刀的な感がある。しかしtotal deaths 463をtotal cases 9172で割ると、死亡率は仮にも5%と出る。十分、死病と評しうる。
「Italy has extended its emergency coronavirus measures, which include travel restrictions and a ban on public gatherings, to the entire country.」
「On Monday, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte ordered people to stay home and seek permission for essential travel.
He said the measures were designed to protect the most vulnerable. "There is no more time," he said in a TV address.」
「Italy's coronavirus death toll jumped from 366 to 463 on Monday. It is the worst-hit country after China.
The number of confirmed infection also increased by 24% from Sunday, official figures showed.
Cases of the virus have been confirmed in all 20 Italian regions.」
「Canada has confirmed the first death related to the virus - an elderly male patient in a care home in Vancouver, British Columbia」
「Mr Conte described the measures as "I stay home" - with people forbidden to gather in public. "No more nightlife; we can't allow this anymore since they are occasions for contagion," he said.
All sporting events - including football matches - are suspended nationwide. Schools and universities will remain closed until 3 April.」