


2020-03-01 15:22:28 | Newsメモ
BBC Myanmar Rohingya: UN condemns human rights abuses 28 December 2019

The UN General Assembly has approved a resolution condemning human rights abuses against Muslim Rohingya and other minorities in Myanmar.

The resolution also calls on Myanmar to stop the incitement of hatred against the Rohingya and other minorities.

UN General Assembly resolutions are not legally binding but can reflect world opinion.

BBC Appeal for more funds to help Africa stop locust swarms 26 Feb 2020 By Reality Check team

The UN has made an appeal for more funds to tackle the unprecedented invasions of locusts threatening crops in parts of Africa and Asia.

So what's needed and do affected countries have the resources to cope?

Equipment and personnel for controlling the locusts are key resources that are currently in short supply.

Vehicles, planes, personal safety equipment, radios, GPS units and camping equipment are badly needed.

BBC Venezuela crisis: US blacklists Russian oil firm for helping Maduro 18 Feb 2020

The US has sought to increase financial pressure on Venezuela by blacklisting a subsidiary of Russia's state-controlled Rosneft oil giant.

The move freezes any US-held assets of the Switzerland-based Rosneft Trading SA and its chairman, Didier Casimiro.

Earlier this month, the US imposed sanctions on Venezuela's state-run airline Conviasa, saying the company was being used to "shuttle corrupt officials around the world".

ismedia 流行りの「草食男子叩き」「非モテ男叩き」が、あまりに理不尽なワケ 23 Feb 2019 御田寺 圭





BBC Goo Hara and the trauma of South Korea's spy cam victims 28 November 2019

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