


2023-07-04 22:24:07 | Newsメモ

BBC Mali and the UN: Why peacekeepers are being told to leave 1 Jul 2023


Mali has told the UN that its 12,000 peacemakers need to leave, after 10 years countering Islamist militants in the country.

Last year, France withdrew its forces after military leaders seized control of Mali and brought in mercenaries from Russia's Wagner group.


While the UN force in Mali has a wider brief to protect civilians and contain the jihadist threat, it is not intended to go on the offensive against militants.


Over the past decade, more than 300 UN peacekeepers have been killed. It has been described as the deadliest peacekeeping mission in the world.

Russia and China has criticised the mission at the UN, and countries such as the UK and Sweden have refused to provide troops.

The UN's mandate in Mali is due to expire on 30 June.


BBC Boost for Wagner as Mali shuns UN troops, but at what cost? 1 Jul 2023 By Paul Melly

But Wagner will not have the scale of air-strike power, armoured units and logistical support, backed up with US satellite intelligence, that was at the disposal of the French force Barkhane - which pulled out last year after the breakdown of trust between Mali and the former colonial power.

Wagner units seem more likely to prioritise the holding of a few key bases, from where they may venture out on raids and patrols, rather than an overall strategic push.

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