


2020-02-24 19:15:14 | Newsメモ

BBC Coronavirus: Rapid spread raises fears of global pandemic 24 Feb 2020

Fears are growing that the coronavirus outbreak could become a pandemic as new cases are reported around the world.

Most infections are in China but other countries including South Korea, Italy and Iran are battling to contain the virus, which causes the respiratory disease Covid-19.

A pandemic is declared when an infectious disease threatens different parts of the world simultaneously.

About 77,000 people in China, where the virus emerged last year, have been infected and nearly 2,600 have died.


More than 1,200 cases have been confirmed in 26 other countries and there have been more than 20 deaths. Italy reported its fourth death on Monday.


The proportion of infected patients dying from Covid-19 appears to be between 1% and 2%, although the World Health Organization (WHO) cautions that the mortality rate is not known yet.



BBC Coronavirus: North Korea quarantines foreigners 24 Feb 2020

North Korea has quarantined 380 foreigners in an attempt to stop the coronavirus from breaking out.

The foreigners are mostly diplomats stationed in the capital Pyongyang, state media reported.

About 200 foreigners had already been confined to their compounds for the past 30 days - but as that came to an end, the quarantine has been extended.

North Korea has not reported any cases of Covid-19, but several other countries did so on Monday.


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