BBC Nobel Peace Prize: Ethiopia PM Abiy Ahmed wins 11 Oct 2019
「The 2019 Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed who made peace last year with bitter foe Eritrea.
He was awarded the prize for his efforts to "achieve peace and international cooperation".
Mr Abiy's peace deal with Eritrea ended a 20-year military stalemate following their 1998-2000 border war.」
「"Thank you very much. It is a prize given to Africa, given to Ethiopia and I can imagine how the rest of Africa's leaders will take it positively to work on [the] peace-building process on our continent," he added in a phone call with the secretary of the Norwegian Nobel Committee.」
「There had been great speculation over who would win the prize, with climate activist Greta Thunberg widely tipped as the favourite. 」
グレタ・トゥンベルクと比較すれば、なぜAbiy Ahmedが授賞すべきかはあきらかだ。
グレタ・トゥンベルクが学校をサボっている間、Abiy Ahmedは仕事をした。
グレタ・トゥンベルクはわざわざその敵に対する宣戦布告をしたが、Abiy Ahmedは前任者たちが積み残してきた戦争状態を解決した。
グレタ・トゥンベルクが単につったっててまわりの大人たちに豪華ヨットでのクルーズ旅行の手配をするにまかせていた間、Abiy Ahmedは国中の大人たちによびかけて3億5000万本の植樹をした。
関連:「エチオピア大植樹祭! 12時間で世界記録達成!…と主張する(2019-07-30)」
こればかりでも、Abiy Ahmedはグレタ・トゥンベルクの、少なくとも3億5000万倍は世界の緑化に貢献したわけである。
「After becoming prime minister in April 2018, Mr Abiy introduced massive liberalising reforms to Ethiopia, shaking up what was a tightly controlled nation.
He freed thousands of opposition activists from jail and allowed exiled dissidents to return home. Under him, several women have also been appointed to prominent positions.」
「"Peace does not arise from the actions of one party alone. When Prime Minister Abiy reached out his hand, President Afwerki grasped it, and helped to formalise the peace process between the two countries. The Norwegian Nobel Committee hopes the peace agreement will help to bring about positive change for the entire populations of Ethiopia and Eritrea."」
「The 2019 Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed who made peace last year with bitter foe Eritrea.
He was awarded the prize for his efforts to "achieve peace and international cooperation".
Mr Abiy's peace deal with Eritrea ended a 20-year military stalemate following their 1998-2000 border war.」
「"Thank you very much. It is a prize given to Africa, given to Ethiopia and I can imagine how the rest of Africa's leaders will take it positively to work on [the] peace-building process on our continent," he added in a phone call with the secretary of the Norwegian Nobel Committee.」
「There had been great speculation over who would win the prize, with climate activist Greta Thunberg widely tipped as the favourite. 」
グレタ・トゥンベルクと比較すれば、なぜAbiy Ahmedが授賞すべきかはあきらかだ。
グレタ・トゥンベルクが学校をサボっている間、Abiy Ahmedは仕事をした。
グレタ・トゥンベルクはわざわざその敵に対する宣戦布告をしたが、Abiy Ahmedは前任者たちが積み残してきた戦争状態を解決した。
グレタ・トゥンベルクが単につったっててまわりの大人たちに豪華ヨットでのクルーズ旅行の手配をするにまかせていた間、Abiy Ahmedは国中の大人たちによびかけて3億5000万本の植樹をした。
関連:「エチオピア大植樹祭! 12時間で世界記録達成!…と主張する(2019-07-30)」
こればかりでも、Abiy Ahmedはグレタ・トゥンベルクの、少なくとも3億5000万倍は世界の緑化に貢献したわけである。
「After becoming prime minister in April 2018, Mr Abiy introduced massive liberalising reforms to Ethiopia, shaking up what was a tightly controlled nation.
He freed thousands of opposition activists from jail and allowed exiled dissidents to return home. Under him, several women have also been appointed to prominent positions.」
「"Peace does not arise from the actions of one party alone. When Prime Minister Abiy reached out his hand, President Afwerki grasped it, and helped to formalise the peace process between the two countries. The Norwegian Nobel Committee hopes the peace agreement will help to bring about positive change for the entire populations of Ethiopia and Eritrea."」