


2020-03-15 12:39:53 | Newsメモ
 一応といおうか、アフリカ大陸にも新型コロナウィルスの波は到達した。幸いなことに防疫措置は機能しており、市民生活の実際上の問題はpanick buyingくらいなものといえそうだが。

BBC Africa v coronavirus: A challenge for the continent 14 Mar 2020 By Anne Soy

The coronavirus outbreak is no longer a threat for Africa, it is now a reality as more and more countries on the continent have cases.


East Africa is the last region to confirm infections: Sudan confirmed that a 50-year-old man has died, while Ethiopia says a Japanese man who recently travelled to the country tested positive to Covid-19.


News on Friday that a Kenyan woman, who travelled from the US via London, had the virus sparked panic buying in Kenya's capital, Nairobi.

Pictures and videos shared on social media showed shoppers filling up baskets with hand sanitiser, soap and food.

Most of the confirmed cases involve people arriving from Europe and North America.


The WHO said while local transmission - that is people with no travel history - remains low, containment is the most appropriate strategy.

That means detecting cases quickly, isolating them to minimise transmission, treating them and tracing their contacts.

Yet the relatively low numbers in Africa have baffled experts.

Some suggest the tropical climate is less favourable to the new virus.

"But we know that Covid-19 is part of the coronavirus family to which the common cold belongs," he told the BBC.

These better-known coronaviruses are less prevalent where temperatures are higher.


The continent has also had time to observe what other countries are doing to combat the new virus and prepare.

 せやからヨーロッパ! 君たちはなんでそうなったあっ! 東アジアの状態を見る時間はあっただろうにっ!

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