


2021-10-09 18:35:27 | ナイジェリア事情

BBC Nigeria police rescue dozens from 'torture house' 8 Oct 2021 By Mansur Abubakar

 torture houseから47名ほど救出。リハビリテーション・センターというくらいの名目で、なるほど麻薬耽溺者やら犯罪性向の者やらで、家族が扱いきれなくなった14歳から35歳までの男性が預けられていたわけだ。

Police in Nigeria have rescued 47 people from what they describe as a "torture house" in the northern state of Kano.

The property, in Kano city, was supposed to be a rehabilitation centre. In other words, a privately run facility where parents send their children who they believe are addicted to drugs or engage in criminal behaviour.

When the police raided the compound on Thursday, they found the 47 inmates, all male between 14 and 35 years old, chained up. They also showed signs of being beaten.


These so-called rehabilitation centres were banned by the state government 10 months ago after several raids revealed the maltreatment, but some are still operating secretly.


Police spokesperson Abdullahi Haruna told the BBC that the owner and manager have been arrested and will soon appear in court.

 はるなは大丈夫です! でしょうか。

参考: ナイジェリア:また青少年監禁教育施設が摘発 2019-10-24

参考: 「虐待の家」―更生施設のあまりの不足がもたらす弊害 2019-11-01
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