ソマリア首都・モガディシュ。各種店舗の主人にCCTVカメラを配置するよう行政側からの指導が入った。なお費用は個々の商店が持つこと! …まあその、カネがないのはそりゃあそうだろうが。
「Shop owners in Somalia's capital, Mogadishu, are caught between a rock and a hard place over a government directive that they install CCTV cameras outside their businesses to intensify surveillance of Islamist insurgents who have a strong presence in the city.」
カメラ設置を拒否すれば国から狙われ逮捕されるが、他方でカメラをつければal Shababが怒ってテロる。どっちかといえば逮捕されて監獄体験するほうがましだが、とはいえ別に逮捕されたいわけじゃないんだよ…!
BBC The city where shopkeepers fear their CCTV cameras could get them killed 2 days ago
Mohamed Gabobe
「The businessmen say if they put up the cameras they risk being gunned down by the al-Shabab insurgents, and if they do not, they could be arrested by the police.」
「You're told not to remove the cameras by one side and then you're told to remove the cameras by the other side. Depending on the choice you make, you'll either have a bullet or prison cell waiting for you," Mr Nuur adds.
The government issued a directive last year to shopkeepers to install CCTV cameras - at their own cost - to deter attacks by al-Shabab.」
「Since October, al-Shabab has killed four businessmen in 10 attacks related to the installation of CCTV cameras, according to a leading violence monitoring group, Armed Conflict Location & Event Data (Acled).」
「But Asiyo Mohamed Warsame tells the BBC that masked gunmen killed her 40-year-old brother Dahir Mohamed Warsame in his shop in Mogadishu's Yaqshid district in October after he installed CCTV cameras under pressure from the security forces.」
「Shop owners in Somalia's capital, Mogadishu, are caught between a rock and a hard place over a government directive that they install CCTV cameras outside their businesses to intensify surveillance of Islamist insurgents who have a strong presence in the city.」
カメラ設置を拒否すれば国から狙われ逮捕されるが、他方でカメラをつければal Shababが怒ってテロる。どっちかといえば逮捕されて監獄体験するほうがましだが、とはいえ別に逮捕されたいわけじゃないんだよ…!
BBC The city where shopkeepers fear their CCTV cameras could get them killed 2 days ago
Mohamed Gabobe
「The businessmen say if they put up the cameras they risk being gunned down by the al-Shabab insurgents, and if they do not, they could be arrested by the police.」
「You're told not to remove the cameras by one side and then you're told to remove the cameras by the other side. Depending on the choice you make, you'll either have a bullet or prison cell waiting for you," Mr Nuur adds.
The government issued a directive last year to shopkeepers to install CCTV cameras - at their own cost - to deter attacks by al-Shabab.」
「Since October, al-Shabab has killed four businessmen in 10 attacks related to the installation of CCTV cameras, according to a leading violence monitoring group, Armed Conflict Location & Event Data (Acled).」
「But Asiyo Mohamed Warsame tells the BBC that masked gunmen killed her 40-year-old brother Dahir Mohamed Warsame in his shop in Mogadishu's Yaqshid district in October after he installed CCTV cameras under pressure from the security forces.」