


2019-08-19 19:37:03 | Newsメモ
BBC How online extremists are shaping the minds of white teens 19 Aug 2019 By Ritu Prasad

A mother expressed her concern about extremist content poisoning the minds of boys as they use the internet, in a post that went viral. She thinks there are warning signs parents should heed.


In an age where anyone can access just about anything on the internet, white boys in the US seem particularly at risk from dangerous radicalisation online.


The dangers of the internet are not a novel talking point for parents and teachers, but these most recent tragedies have sparked renewed debate over what families can - and should - do when it comes to raising white boys in America.


She tells the BBC one of her two sons began to argue "'jokey'-toned alt right positions", asking questions like why black people could "copy white culture but white people can't copy black culture".


 ということで、この時点で既に気付くべきだ。昔のありがちな人種差別、「○○人なんぞ殺しちまえ」「○△人ごときが調子に乗るな!」「△△人は故国に帰れ! まあ、あればだけどな、ガハハハハ!」みたいな雑きわまりないものではない。思考の水準が上がっているのだ。

"Not all jokes indicate your kid is buying into dangerous ideology," she says. "The bigger question for parents to ask themselves when their kids make racist, sexist or homophobic jokes is whether their kids understand the deeper implications of what they're saying."


Some experts say social media algorithms are fuelling a worldwide rise in extremist views or conspiracies by creating echo-chambers online. And while it's certainly not just boys who are affected by internet propaganda, in the US at least, it seems that it is driving young men in particular to lash out most violently.


Scolding did nothing to curb the behaviour, so Mr Rademacher invited them for a discussion over lunch instead.


"They're still young boys," Mr Rademacher emphasises. "They're trying to figure out where the line is. Why things are funny and why things are offensive." And white teenagers are "ripe for radicalisation" now amid broader cultural changes that make them "feel like they're under attack" from mainstream society, he says.


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