


2021-11-15 20:34:57 | Newsメモ
先の記事:機上で急病人が発生して― (2021-11-08)の続き。


BBC Majorca plane adventure reveals new migrant route 14 Nov 2021 By Guy Hedgecoe


It was a dramatic escape when more than 20 people fled a passenger plane forced to make a unscheduled landing in the Balearic Islands. But now this audacious adventure has raised questions not only about airport safety but migration routes into Europe too.

Meanwhile, on the unguarded plane, a group of passengers tried to get off.

"There was a large altercation on the aircraft, with the crew being rebuked and intimidated by several passengers who asked to be allowed out to smoke and get out on to the airstrip," read the report drawn up by a local court which is investigating the incident. Excerpts have emerged in Spanish media.

 発作で意識が危うい患者が‼と言うので緊急着陸、この患者を病院に移送。その間、本来の乗客たちは縛り付けになっちゃう恐れがある。おいおい! たばこ位吸わせろよ!とねじ込み―アテンダントを押しのけようとしたり―で、何人かは逃げおおせた。

Meanwhile, on the unguarded plane, a group of passengers tried to get off.

"There was a large altercation on the aircraft, with the crew being rebuked and intimidated by several passengers who asked to be allowed out to smoke and get out on to the airstrip," read the report drawn up by a local court which is investigating the incident. Excerpts have emerged in Spanish media.


It is a notoriously dangerous journey, which claimed over 1,700 lives last year alone. Migrants can pay large sums to enlist the help of traffickers.

By contrast, a Casablanca-Istanbul flight can cost as little as €200 (£170; $230).

"Much more economic… much less risky and without debts to pay afterwards - and with a good chance of success," it said of the so-called air-boat migration method.


The fact that almost all the men who fled the plane did not check any luggage into the hold has been seen as a sign that they were possibly all in on the ruse from the start.

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