


2024-07-08 19:54:50 | Newsメモ

Floods and landslides are not uncommon during South Asia's monsoon season, when it receives up to 90% of its annual rainfall.

But experts say the issue has worsened in recent years due to climate change.


BBC Massive floods affect millions across South Asia5 hours ago
By Tessa Wong and Anbarasan Ethirajan


Massive floods have swept through swathes of India, Nepal and Bangladesh in recent days, killing scores of people and affecting millions of others.

Large-scale rescue operations are under way, with authorities directing thousands to shelters while sending food and supplies to those who are stranded.


Over the weekend in Nepal, authorities said 14 people had died since Thursday, with key highways blocked and some bridges swept away by swollen rivers.

Authorities estimate that this year's monsoon has killed more than 40 people so far.


In the Indian state of Assam, about 2.4 million have been affected by floods while 66 people have died since mid-May.

Assam's Kaziranga nature reserve, home to nearly 2,200 one-horned rhinos, was also under water. Four rhinos and scores of deer and other animals have died so far. Experts have said it is one of the worst incidents of flooding in recent years in terms of the number of animals killed.


BBC Floods kill six rhinos in India national park 32 minutes ago
By Meryl Sebastian

More than 130 wild animals, including at least six rare rhinos, have died in flooding at a national park in north-eastern India, officials say.

The Kaziranga National Park in Assam is experiencing its worst deluge in recent years.

The dead animals - many of whom died by drowning - include 117 hog deer, two sambar deer, a rhesus macaque and an otter.

In 2017, more than 350 animals died due to floods in the park and vehicle collisions during migration through animal corridors to the highlands.

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