


2023-06-24 17:27:53 | ソマリア関連

BBC Somalia gets 'revolutionary' digital payment system 22 Jun 2023

A new national contactless payment system will revolutionise business in Somalia, the central bank governor has told the BBC.

Abdirahman Abdullahi was talking after the launch in Mogadishu on Tuesday of what is called SOMQR, which brings digital payments into one system that can easily be used by customers, businesses and banks.


BBC Deadly violence hits two regions of Somalia 21 Jun 2023 Richard Hamilton

At least 36 people have died in two separate waves of violence in Somalia - in the semi-autonomous state of Puntland and in the Lower Shabelle region.

Doctors said at least 26 people were killed in heavy fighting on Tuesday in Garowe, the state capital of Puntland.


Ten others died after remote-controlled bombs exploded in a village south-west of the Somali capital, Mogadishu.

Witnesses said several people were killed in the first explosion and a second bomb then went off as civilians and soldiers came to the rescue.


BBC Somali al-Shabab militants recapture strategic townSomali al-Shabab militants recapture strategic town Posted at 23:47 24 Aug 23 2021 Mary Harper

The Islamist group, al-Shabab, is reported to have seized a strategic town in central Somalia.

Residents of Amara in the Galmudug region said the militants stormed an army base before over-running the town.

The insurgents captured several armoured vehicles, burning some of them.

Earlier this month the Somali military captured Amara from al-Shabab, which had held the town for a decade.


BBC Somalia declares state of emergency over drought 24 Nov 2021

Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble has declared a state of emergency in the wake of the country's worsening drought.

The declaration came after the prime minister chaired an extraordinary cabinet meeting on Tuesday.

He called on the Somali people and the international community to help those affected by the drought.

The UN says the drought has been worsened by rains failing for the third time since late 2020.

BBC Somalia election: Nearly third of MPs now chosen 28 Jan 2022

The electoral commission in Somalia says 73 out of 275 MP seats have so far been filled.

The indirect elections are ongoing in various constituencies.

The elections started in November and were supposed to conclude by 24 December, but the process has been delayed because of disputes.

Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble and regional state leaders reached a deal on 9 January to complete the polls by 25 February.

The complex poll process involves clan elders selecting delegates, who then elect MPs. Members of the Senate, the upper house, are elected by regional state assemblies.



BBC Kenyan soldiers killed in suspected al-Shabab attack 16 Mar 2022 By Emmanuel Igunza

More than 10 Kenyan soldiers have been killed by a roadside explosive in southern Somalia.

Five others were seriously injured when their vehicle ran over an improvised explosive device in the Gedo region, near the Kenya-Somalia border.

The killed soldiers were part of the African Union Mission in Somalia - a force deployed to the country to help the federal government fight the militants.

 この3月。al Shababの上級幹部たちが殺害されたぞという記事をメモしていた。

BBC Al-Shabab commanders killed in Somalia operation 1 Mar 2023

The state-run news agency in Somalia says at least 10 al-Shabab militants have been killed in a security operation in the central Hiiraan region.

It said those killed in Tuesday's engagement included three senior commanders of the Islamist group, adding that the national intelligence agency and international partner forces were involved.

 米国がAli Dheereにバウンティをかけたとか。

BBC US puts $5m bounty on al-Shabab spokesman 1 Mar 2023

The US has placed a bounty on the spokesperson of the militant Islamist al-Shabab group.

It offered $5m for for information leading to the identification or location of Ali Mohamed Rage, also known as Ali Dheere.

He has been al-Shabab’s chief spokesperson since May 2009 and is a senior leader of the group, the State Department said.


BBC Taboo-busting drama delights at Somalia premiere 28 Apr 2023 Mary Harper


BBC US attacks on Somalia's al-Shabab increase under Trump 7 January 2019 By Tomi Oladipo

Donald Trump's presidency has coincided with a sharp rise in US-led airstrikes in Somalia and the trend is set to continue in 2019.

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