


2024-02-26 23:34:07 | Newsメモ

BBC Walled site grows at Egypt border near Gaza 22 Feb 2024 By Jake Horton & Daniele Palumbo


Egypt has built more than 3km of wall in the past week in addition to further clearance of a large area next to its border with Gaza, BBC Verify has found.

It comes after Israel warned it is preparing for a ground offensive in Gaza's southern city of Rafah.

The city has seen a huge increase in its population in recent months.

Egyptian authorities say "no provisions" are being made for displaced Palestinians and the area is meant for a "logistical hub" for aid.


More than 16 sq km (6 sq miles) have been cleared just over the border from Gaza, visible in the recent satellite images.

 ガザ地区に隣接しすぎて、いやそりゃそうだよ?! ガザに直接人道援助とかするには、そりゃあガザ地区と隣接してた方が合理的だよ?! 移動距離だって短いしさあ…ならトラックはいらないよね? トラック基地、たぶんいらないよね…?

Following reports the area was being made to house Palestinian refugees, Egypt publicly denied it was making any such preparations.

The local governor said the area was being prepared for "truck waiting areas, secure warehouses, administrative offices, and driver accommodations".

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