


2023-06-06 14:21:44 | Newsメモ
 パリからニューヨークまでを8,800頭の豚の脂肪で飛ぼう! というのだが、大丈夫かそれは。それ持続的か。本当にそれ持続的か?

BBC Using pig fat as green jet fuel will hurt planet, experts warn 31 May 2023 By Matt McGrath


The fat of dead pigs, cattle and chickens is being used to make greener jet fuel, but a new study warns it will end up being worse for the planet.

Animal fats are considered waste, so aviation fuel made from the material has a much lower carbon footprint.

Demand for fuel made from animal by-products is expected to triple by 2030, with airlines leading the charge.

But experts fear scarcity will force other industries to use more palm oil - a huge generator of carbon emissions.

Airlines are under pressure to rein in their huge carbon emissions, which mainly come from burning fossil-based kerosene in aircraft engines.


But the study by Brussels-based Transport & Environment, a clean transport campaign group, points out there are simply not enough animals slaughtered each year to meet airlines' growing demand for animal fats.


However, over the last 20 years or so, biodiesel made from these animal wastes or from used cooking oils, has steadily grown in use in the UK and further afield.

Across Europe, fuel made from dead animals has grown fortyfold since 2006, according to the new research


According to Transport & Environment, a flight from Paris to New York would need fat from 8,800 dead pigs if all the fuel came from animal sources.


In the EU, airlines will have a 6% sustainable aviation fuel target for 2030 of which 1.2% must come from e-kerosene. Assuming the remaining 4.8% is derived entirely by animal fat, that would require around 400 pigs per transatlantic flight.

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