現広徳寺大御堂は室町末期に鈴木重勝中興と伝える。焼損した部材が転用されていること、基礎に移転した形跡が見られないことから、同じ場所に規模など変えることなく再建したものとされている(「重要文化財広徳寺大御堂修理工事報告書」修理委員会編 1971)。大御堂は北条政子が美尾屋広徳の菩提を弔うため、その館跡に建立したと伝えるが、前身大御堂が創建時のものであったのかはわからない。鈴木氏は美尾屋氏の後裔、代々大御堂を守ってきたのであろう。
(注)2016年5月撮影 Ⓒkanju
Late Heian period to early Kamakura period samurai-class became a major client of Amidado, as the class gained power and wealth. This Kotoku-ji Omido is the example.
Rebuilt in late Muromachi by a descendant of the founder, that was a same location and size. But its style may be different from the former.
No difference in space including the ceiling between worshipers and buddhas but only shumidan makes difference in the level on the floor. Two pillars of the wall behind the shumidan dais shifted backward to extend the are for worshipers. It seems to be monotheistic.
(注)2016年5月撮影 Ⓒkanju
Late Heian period to early Kamakura period samurai-class became a major client of Amidado, as the class gained power and wealth. This Kotoku-ji Omido is the example.
Rebuilt in late Muromachi by a descendant of the founder, that was a same location and size. But its style may be different from the former.
No difference in space including the ceiling between worshipers and buddhas but only shumidan makes difference in the level on the floor. Two pillars of the wall behind the shumidan dais shifted backward to extend the are for worshipers. It seems to be monotheistic.