

安楽寺(上田) ー 宋で見た風景

2016-01-14 12:22:05 | 寺院
安楽寺の開山は樵谷惟僊とされているが、安楽寺はそれ以前も安楽寺として存在していたが、禅寺としての開山として、義政が建長寺首座であった惟僊を招聘したのであろう。惟僊は義政没後安楽寺を辞した(小松寿治「樵谷惟僊の動向について」駒澤史学58 2002.3)。正応二年当時は惟僊が帰朝時随伴してきた宋僧の二世の幼牛恵仁であろう。


(注)2015年11月撮影 ⒸKanju

Anraku-ji three-storied pagota is one of the oldest existing zen-sect style architecture. Its building material was felled down in 1289 determined by using dendrochronology. At that time Yogyu Enin had succeeded to the founder of Anraku-ji, Shokoku Isen. Enin came from Song China would participate in building the pagota. An octagonal pagota was quite common in Song Dynasty. He might bring to mind scenery in Song. Song-style pagota rather than zen-sect style. The deep eave overhangs and concave curves of the shingled-roof, however, give taste of Japan to the pagota. In this sense, Anraku-ji three-storied pagota is the only octagonal pagota in Japan. Its influence didn't spread because Shiota became to be a part of country, as the relationship with Kanakura had decreased.

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