米シティ、東証上場 年内にも申請 欧米勢6年ぶり 東証・NY証 提携の第一弾
The most major U.S. bank Citybank will file its listing application with the Tokyo Stock Exchange within the year. The listing of a company
in the European countries or the United States to the Tokyo bourse will be the first case in 6 years.According to the souces concerned, this is believed to be a sign reflecting the move between the Tokto Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange to form alliances in the near future(in the days coming).
The most major U.S. bank Citybank will file its listing application with the Tokyo Stock Exchange within the year. The listing of a company
in the European countries or the United States to the Tokyo bourse will be the first case in 6 years.According to the souces concerned, this is believed to be a sign reflecting the move between the Tokto Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange to form alliances in the near future(in the days coming).