放送持ち株会社への出資 1社で20%超可能 総務省骨格案 傘下放送局 10社前後 地上デジタル移行 地方局の経営支援
The draft plan which the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has been deliberating on over the broadcasting holding company system was made clear Thursday. According to the plan,would-be companies,such as newspaper companies or makers,can each invest their money with more than 20 % and under 50% of the stake. The number of broacasting service companies which each(or,respective, or, each individual) broadcasting holding company has is likely to be restricted up to around ten for the time being.Private broadcasting companies,including local companies, are now struggling in the preparation for the completion of the transition from the analog broadcasting service to the terrestrial digital broadcasting service by 2011. Given such an condition, lots of money is needed for these companies, resulting in making their financial management
very squeezed, especially in local broadcasting service stations.One of the aims of the ministry's plan is to ease such difficulties through adoption of the broadcasting company holding system and help the current local service stations.
参考:今日の記事でも、each の言葉の使い方がポイントになりました。each , respective, individual 等が類語です。それからlikelyの使い方ですが、普通は上記のように、is likely to be restricted という言い方がおおいので、これで覚えていていいのですが、もう一つは、is likely restricted というのもあろうかと思います。前者は形容詞で、後者は副詞です。このlikely だけでも使えるようになると、ものすごく視界が開けるものです。先に言った、each はいま私が一番気にしているあたりのことです。
The draft plan which the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has been deliberating on over the broadcasting holding company system was made clear Thursday. According to the plan,would-be companies,such as newspaper companies or makers,can each invest their money with more than 20 % and under 50% of the stake. The number of broacasting service companies which each(or,respective, or, each individual) broadcasting holding company has is likely to be restricted up to around ten for the time being.Private broadcasting companies,including local companies, are now struggling in the preparation for the completion of the transition from the analog broadcasting service to the terrestrial digital broadcasting service by 2011. Given such an condition, lots of money is needed for these companies, resulting in making their financial management
very squeezed, especially in local broadcasting service stations.One of the aims of the ministry's plan is to ease such difficulties through adoption of the broadcasting company holding system and help the current local service stations.
参考:今日の記事でも、each の言葉の使い方がポイントになりました。each , respective, individual 等が類語です。それからlikelyの使い方ですが、普通は上記のように、is likely to be restricted という言い方がおおいので、これで覚えていていいのですが、もう一つは、is likely restricted というのもあろうかと思います。前者は形容詞で、後者は副詞です。このlikely だけでも使えるようになると、ものすごく視界が開けるものです。先に言った、each はいま私が一番気にしているあたりのことです。