from today's Nikkei

2007年02月14日 10時02分47秒 | 新聞記事から
北朝鮮にまず重油5万トン 次の段階は「無能力化」 95万トン追加 6カ国協議合意文書 日本を除く4か国負担 核施設60日以内に停止
The first step is sending 50 thousand metric tons of heavy oil, and next one is delivering an additional 950 thousand metric tons of oil for the purpose of making the North Korea's nuclear power impotent.Such contents were agreed in the six-party talks over North Korea's ambition of nuclear weapons in Beijin, with the documentation made for it.The aid cost is to be burdened by the four countries,the U.S.,China, Russia and South Korea, except Japan.As the first step North Korea should do, the country is expected to suspend its nuclear facilities within a period of 60 days starting the date, February 13, when the agreement was adopted and signed by the countries' representatives at this time's session of the talks in Beijin.
参考:60日以内にはそのほか、within 60 days, within a 60-day period などが考えられる。一番よく使うのはwithin 60 daysでしょう。
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