from today's Nikkei

2007年02月27日 08時15分02秒 | 新聞記事から
排出権 国内初の取引所 国際協力銀など6月にも 外国企業も売買に参加
According to sources, some Japanese companies,such as The International Cooperation Bank and Chuo-Mitsui Trusut Bank, will set up a so-called " transaction market" of the rights of greenhouse gases, in June, for the first time at home.In Japan, companies have been making efforts in reducing their emission of such gases as CO2, for reaching the goals set up based on the agreement in the Kyoto Protocol.In these circumsatnces, power companies or steelmakers are,especially, eager to buy the emission rights there.People concerned say that the framework will be made so that foreign companies will actively take part in the deal there.
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