半導体材料 世界2強 投資競う SUMCO3500億円で能力3倍 信越も加速、寡占強まる
The two strong,that is,the top and the runner-up in the world of semidonductor matreial manufacturing sector,are competing(vying) for hegemoney(strength)of the market.SUMCO,runner-up(second-ranked) maker of semiconductor material wafer will enhance its production capacity three times the current one,investing 350 billion yen in its three factories at home and abroad.Top-ranked Shinetsu Chemical also is in the struggle for strengthening its production capacity with an investment of 12 million yen.In these circumstances,oligopoly of the matket will likely be intensified
The two strong,that is,the top and the runner-up in the world of semidonductor matreial manufacturing sector,are competing(vying) for hegemoney(strength)of the market.SUMCO,runner-up(second-ranked) maker of semiconductor material wafer will enhance its production capacity three times the current one,investing 350 billion yen in its three factories at home and abroad.Top-ranked Shinetsu Chemical also is in the struggle for strengthening its production capacity with an investment of 12 million yen.In these circumstances,oligopoly of the matket will likely be intensified