医薬保険 後発薬普及へ見直し 政府検討 先発薬、患者負担上げ 医療費を削減
The government has launched out into revising the area which the so-called public medical insurance scheme can cover in terms of pharmaceutical medication so that the generic medicines will be used much more.Specifically,basic standards will be changed to such ones that is made based on the presumption that doctors basicaly prescribe generic drugs for their patients. If the newly developed and marketed drugs are prescribed by doctors for some reasons, the patints should pay much more than for generic drugs. Through the measures like this,the government is strugling to curb medical expenses as mush as possible.
The government has launched out into revising the area which the so-called public medical insurance scheme can cover in terms of pharmaceutical medication so that the generic medicines will be used much more.Specifically,basic standards will be changed to such ones that is made based on the presumption that doctors basicaly prescribe generic drugs for their patients. If the newly developed and marketed drugs are prescribed by doctors for some reasons, the patints should pay much more than for generic drugs. Through the measures like this,the government is strugling to curb medical expenses as mush as possible.