from today's Nikkei-訂正

2007年05月10日 14時37分24秒 | 新聞記事から
温暖化ガス削減 中小の省エネ投資支援 政府が枠組み 排出権、大企業が購入 
The government will launch out into the measures for supporting the small and midsize firms' enegy-saving efforts in order to reach the goal set up by the Kyoto Protocol,which obliged the signatories to reduce the greenhouse gases emission.For doing so,the government will forge a necessary framework.Specifically, when a company of small and midsize ones reduces the greenhouse gases emission,for example,by newly installing a new production equipment,then,the amount of estimated reduction of the gases will be sold to large-sacle companies,which are more strongly urged to reduce the gases than small and midsize companies.The government wants to start this new scheme in around the spring of 2008 after practicing an experiment this summer.By encouraging the small and mid-sized comnpanies,where the work has been far behind the scedule than that of the large copmanies,this effort aims to enhance the whole coutry's energy efficiency, and,in the end, back the Kyoto Protocol.

参考:equipment は集合名詞で普段は数えられる名詞ではありませんが、形容詞がついたりすると加算名詞化する場合もあります。

訂正:far behind the schedule than that となっていますが than がくるならその前に比較級が来なければなりませんfarだけでは不十分であり far more behind schedule than that となるべきではあるまいかといま思いました。
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