from January 4 Nikkei

2008年01月07日 14時13分30秒 | 新聞記事から
原油、一時100ドル NY市場 投機マネー、商品へ 穀物急騰 金、現物で最高値

In the New York crude oil future market of January 2, a major index West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude price soared and topped for the first time 100 dollars a barrel. This is because given the situation of political unrest in the countries like Nigeria and others,and the sense of tight demand-supply situation,speculative money flowed into crude oil,gold,and international cereal markets.So,in these circumstances,cereal prices also soared,and the gold reached its highest-ever price in its sopt market.Following the crude oil price's outrageous hike,stock prices in the U.S. and the dollar plunged.In london,the dollar declined to the 108 yen level.
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from yesterday's Nikkei

2008年01月07日 14時00分40秒 | 新聞記事から
BRICs日本車生産、北米を逆転 2011年にも 年500万台に トヨタ ブラジルに第2工場


It is expected that the number of automobile production in BRICs-Brazil, Russia,india,and China- by Japanese auto makers will exceed the 5 million units level in 2011 and also surpass that in North America.Specifically, Toyota will make a second plant in Brazil with the investment of around 70 billion yen to 88 billion yen.And Nissan also strengthens its production in India and plans to manufacture vehicles with a pace of 300 thousand units to 400 thousand units per annum there. These Japanese firms at the same time will likely accelarete a gradual transfer to the BRICs regions of their vehicle component procurements and research and development functions.
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from today's Nikkei

2008年01月07日 11時18分58秒 | 新聞記事から
基礎年金、全額消費税で 本社研究会報告  持続性高め信頼回復 税率5%上げ、保険料廃止 未納問題や不公平解消  10年間居住支給要件に 成長戦略の充実不可欠
The Nihon Keizai Shimbun has recently compiled a report saying that whole the basic pension benifit should be shouldered by consumption tax in the future.The report says this will make the sustainability of the system enhanced, and will contribute to recovering the confidence of the public on the pension.It says that doing so, the consumption tax rate should be raised by another 5 %,and ,at the same time, abolish the pension premium which people are now obliged to pay. Rergarding the pension issue, The Nihon Keizai Shimbun established a committee,called "The Pension System Reform Study Committee," in September,2007, including outside experts,and has discussed the matter.In the committee meeting, they have been citing the premium umpaid or disparity dissolution issues as very important.
Another feature among the drafts is that the time requirement for receiving the pension benifit should be shortened to be more than 10 years of residence in Japan from the current more than 25 years.
The report says also that a further fundamental problem is how Japan makes a solid growth strategy in the future,including one for declining birthrate.
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