日本でファンド融資拡大 欧米のM&A急増で 14社3倍強の2兆円超計画 金融機関08年、本社調べ
Financial institutions at home and abroad likely will expand their loans to fund businesses for M&A in Japan.According to a survey by The Nihon Keizai Shimbun,major banks in Japan and foreign securities firms of 14,announcing their 2008 business plan,are preparing to make loans of combined more than 2 triilion yen,which are more than triple real fi
gures in 2007.In the West, financial institutions are now holding back their positive loan activities because of the subprime mortgage problem.Amid the situation,M&A has lost its momentum in the West.Given that condition,it is likely that parties concerned will play the role in a Japanese market in doing M&As.
Financial institutions at home and abroad likely will expand their loans to fund businesses for M&A in Japan.According to a survey by The Nihon Keizai Shimbun,major banks in Japan and foreign securities firms of 14,announcing their 2008 business plan,are preparing to make loans of combined more than 2 triilion yen,which are more than triple real fi
gures in 2007.In the West, financial institutions are now holding back their positive loan activities because of the subprime mortgage problem.Amid the situation,M&A has lost its momentum in the West.Given that condition,it is likely that parties concerned will play the role in a Japanese market in doing M&As.