from Sunday's Nikkei

2008年01月22日 11時59分02秒 | 新聞記事から
日本でファンド融資拡大 欧米のM&A急増で 14社3倍強の2兆円超計画 金融機関08年、本社調べ

Financial institutions at home and abroad likely will expand their loans to fund businesses for M&A in Japan.According to a survey by The Nihon Keizai Shimbun,major banks in Japan and foreign securities firms of 14,announcing their 2008 business plan,are preparing to make loans of combined more than 2 triilion yen,which are more than triple real fi
gures in 2007.In the West, financial institutions are now holding back their positive loan activities because of the subprime mortgage problem.Amid the situation,M&A has lost its momentum in the West.Given that condition,it is likely that parties concerned will play the role in a Japanese market in doing M&As.
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from yesterday's Nikkei

2008年01月22日 11時29分05秒 | 新聞記事から
デジタル家電 寡占一段と 再編・淘汰呼び水に 価格下落と重い投資 2強で5割超 07年7品目に

In the domestic digital home appliances market,oligopoly by major leading companies has been proceeding,and now much more than before. In terms of sales of the major ten items in 2007, in the six items the combined sales of the top two exceeded those of the previous year.Especially,in the DVD recorder and mobile music player, the expansion was surprisingly 10 to 20 %.In the seven items,the top two companies' share is more than 50 %.Amid the sector's conditions that the prices have been declining and the heavy investment is needed with a rapid technological innovation proceeding,it is difficult for companies lack of investment strength to recover their weakness. In these circumstances, it seems that realignment of the industry or merger and acquisition (M&A) will proceed further.

参考:今日はproceed という単語を意識的に多く使いました。
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from today's Nikkei

2008年01月22日 11時16分32秒 | 新聞記事から
生活保護 高齢受給者、52%無年金 厚生省調査 制度改革 急務に 29万人、7年で倍 05年

According to a survey by the Welfare Ministry,It has been learned that as of the end of year 2005,52.9% ,or 294,000 people,among 566,000 elderly people aged 65 or over who are beneficiaries of the livelihood-support subsidy from their each-belonged local government,do not have the right to receive a public-pension benefit.The number of 294,000 doubled in the period of 7 years.By this data,amid the hollowing of the public pension scheme thanks to lot of people's premium default or so,we camn see the fact that livelihood protection scheme by municipalities has been repalcing the problem.In these circumstances,overhaul of the social security systems,which is needed to redesign the whole networks ensuring the social security,including the relation between the public pension and public livelihood protection, is now very important.
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