温暖化対策 途上国に1兆円支援 5年間で 首相が表明へ 「ポスト京都」参加促す
The outline of the plan of Japan's supporting developing countries which Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda will in a few days announce in terms of the worldwide prevention measures against the global warming was made clear on Wednesday.According to it,Japan is going to extend assistance of as much as some 1.1 trillion yen to developing countries over five years. And also, Japan will urge these countries to positively participate in the world framework after the Kyoto Protocol expiring in 2012.
The outline of the plan of Japan's supporting developing countries which Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda will in a few days announce in terms of the worldwide prevention measures against the global warming was made clear on Wednesday.According to it,Japan is going to extend assistance of as much as some 1.1 trillion yen to developing countries over five years. And also, Japan will urge these countries to positively participate in the world framework after the Kyoto Protocol expiring in 2012.