IMF、新興国に新融資 日中などの外貨準備活用 日本、G7で提案へ 金融危機封じ狙う
According to sources,Japanese government is planning to make a proposal that IMF should establish a new system of extending necessary emergency loans to countries which have been forced into a budgetary deadlock in dealin with their own coutry's domestic financial crisis, which is expected to happen in developing coutries,by making use of the foreign currency reserves of such coutrues as Japan and china. Japan's Finance Minister Shouichi Nakagawa is to make the proposal in the coming G-7 meeting of financial ministers and central bank govenors held in Washington on the 10th, and to urge China and some oil-producing countries in the Middle East, all of which have plenty of foreig currency reserves.This scheme is aimed at containing the spreading of worldwide financial crisis by forming the international framework of support for countries which will need lots of fund in such cases as providing public funds to their banks.
According to sources,Japanese government is planning to make a proposal that IMF should establish a new system of extending necessary emergency loans to countries which have been forced into a budgetary deadlock in dealin with their own coutry's domestic financial crisis, which is expected to happen in developing coutries,by making use of the foreign currency reserves of such coutrues as Japan and china. Japan's Finance Minister Shouichi Nakagawa is to make the proposal in the coming G-7 meeting of financial ministers and central bank govenors held in Washington on the 10th, and to urge China and some oil-producing countries in the Middle East, all of which have plenty of foreig currency reserves.This scheme is aimed at containing the spreading of worldwide financial crisis by forming the international framework of support for countries which will need lots of fund in such cases as providing public funds to their banks.