from Saturday's Nikkei

2008年10月27日 14時25分55秒 | 新聞記事から
円急騰 90円台 一時13年3ヶ月ぶり水準 欧州市場 市場の動揺収まらず ユーロは113円台

The disturbance in the world financial and capital markets has never ceased. In the October 24 foreign exchange markets in the world, the yen soared,and in the European markets opening the transactions following the Tokyo market,the appreciation of the yen temporarily reached the level of 90 yen per a dollar,which is the highest yen and the lowest dollar after an about-13-years-and-3-month interval.

Agaisnt the euro, yen was up to 113 yen a euro.Due to this sudden appreciation of yen, there spread concerns about business performance worsening in the stock market,with the Nikkei Stock Average plunging under the 8,000 yen level,coming close to the lowest record in the period after the collapse of bubble economy,logged in April 2003.
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from Sunday's Nikkei

2008年10月27日 13時55分44秒 | 新聞記事から
金融危機 世銀、緊急融資を拡大 IMFと相互補完 途上国向け倍増へ

The World Bank has decided to extend its emergency loans to developing countries such as African and Asian countries which are forced to face difficulty in their budgetary managements, affected by the financial crisis.This is because investment funds of advanced coutries have conspicuosly flowed out of these developing countries. For coping with this type of difficukty in developing countries,the World Bank will supply these countries with stable and very-long-term fund of 15 to 20 years.The expected amount of loans would be double the 13.5 billion dallars loand in 2007.

Like this,the World Bank has focused its effort to support poverty-stricken countries,while IMF has started to extend its support to the so-called emerging economies or mid-sized countries like Iceland.In other words,the World Bank and IMF have started their roles complementing each other.

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from today's Nikkei

2008年10月27日 13時27分57秒 | 新聞記事から
「選挙より景気対策」63% 内閣支持率48%に低下 政党支持率横ばい 自民41%、民主31%

According to the poll jointly conducted by The Nihon Keizai Shimbun and TV Tokyo on October 24and 25,approval raring for the Aso cabinet was 48%, 5 points decrease from that logged just after the start of the cabinet in September.Meanwhile,disapproval rating for the cabinet was 43%,which is 3 points increase from the previous poll.Asked which one should be prioritized,economic measures or the House of Representatives' elections,63% of the respondents said economic measures should be prioritized, while 29% replied the elections should be.

As to approval ratings for political parties,they remaind flat,unchanged from the previous poll,with the approval rating for LDP 41% and that for DPJ 31%.
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