NY株1万ドル割れ 一時580ドル超安、4年ぶり安値 世界株安に拍車 日経平均465円安 円急伸、100円台 NY原油は一時88ドル台
Worldwide stock price plungees have been going on.On October 6,in the New York Stock Exchange,Dow Jones 30 Industrial Average temporarily plunged down more than 580 dollars and reached the level under 10,000 dollars,which is the first case during its transaction time in the past 4 years.
In the meantime, in the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Nikkei Stock Average went down 465 yen and marked the lowest ever record in the year.In other Asian and European stock markets also,stock prices sharply went down as a whole.
Although the law in the U.S. for financial industry bailout measures went into effect on October 3, there is plenty of concerns among people about its efficacy.On the contrary,in the circumstances that financial crisis has spread over into the Europe,concerns about the future are being intensified.
In these circumstances,the dollar plunged and the yen soared in foerign exchange markets. The yen temporarily reached the level of 100 yen to the dollar, which is the highest in half a year.New York Markentile crude oil price for a time stayed at the level of 88 dollars a gallon.
Like these,in all global financial markets more and more concerns are increasing.
Worldwide stock price plungees have been going on.On October 6,in the New York Stock Exchange,Dow Jones 30 Industrial Average temporarily plunged down more than 580 dollars and reached the level under 10,000 dollars,which is the first case during its transaction time in the past 4 years.
In the meantime, in the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Nikkei Stock Average went down 465 yen and marked the lowest ever record in the year.In other Asian and European stock markets also,stock prices sharply went down as a whole.
Although the law in the U.S. for financial industry bailout measures went into effect on October 3, there is plenty of concerns among people about its efficacy.On the contrary,in the circumstances that financial crisis has spread over into the Europe,concerns about the future are being intensified.
In these circumstances,the dollar plunged and the yen soared in foerign exchange markets. The yen temporarily reached the level of 100 yen to the dollar, which is the highest in half a year.New York Markentile crude oil price for a time stayed at the level of 88 dollars a gallon.
Like these,in all global financial markets more and more concerns are increasing.