from today's Nikkei

2008年10月31日 11時06分14秒 | 新聞記事から
追加経済対策 事業規模最大の27兆円 首相「消費税上げ3年後」 解散は当面せず 公明も了承

The government decided Thursday an additional economic pump-priming measures for coping with the fear for economic recession caused by the U.S.-originated financial crisis. The plicy planned this time will come to be about 27 trillion yen for the government's spending,including the policy for extending the loans for private companies.This is the largest ever scale.The so-called "fresh water" spending for the government would be about 5 trillion yen and is derived from "buried treasures," such as surpluses in the special accountings for the fiscal investment and loan program.The deficit-coevering bonds will not be issued.

Regarding the tax reform in the future, Prime Minister Taro Aso said at the press conference held on the day that the consumer tax rate increase might be carried out in three years in the ealiest case.

In terms of the timing of the House of the Representatives' dissolution, he said " I will not think of it for a time being." He said also the Komeito party agreed to it.
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2008年10月31日 01時51分53秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
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2008年10月31日 01時37分24秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
発音記号であらわせないので、カタカナを使います。funerary又はfuneraries の発音は以前の私は、フューネラリーとしていたのです。ですが、フューナラリーと発音しだしてから、すごく喋りが滑らかになりました。問題は、funerary のneの音の発音なのです。ここは、実際のところ、エではなくアにちかいのでしょう。で、エよりもアの方がエネルギーを要さないので、舌が滑らかになるのだろうかと、思います。
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