from today's Nikkei

2007年05月28日 12時21分57秒 | 新聞記事から
独禁法見直し 「談合主犯格」課徴金重く 「時効」延長欧米並みに 不当廉売も制裁 懇談会が最終報告
The Cabinet Secretary Yasuhisa Shiozaki's advisory committee has been discussing how to revise the current anti-monopoly law. And the outline of its final report, which is to be submitted to the secretary, has come to light recently.Acording to the draft,new legislation intends to raise surcharge to a principla bid-rigger to the level 30 to 50 percent more than the current one.Unfair low-price selling also will be included to the violation for which surcharge will be imposed this time.The statute of limitations, which is now three to five years, will also be extended to five to ten years,wich is nearly tantamount to those in the U.S. and European countries.
参考:並み:tantamount, equivalent, equal(動詞) on a par with 等。
「New legislation intends to raise surcharge to a principla bid-rigger to the level 30 to 50 percent more than the current one.」という文章が今日の実例でありますが、この文章には文法的に2つの注目点があります。1点目は名詞の後置修飾について、2点目が既出の名詞を後で繰りかえす場合の言い方。
後置修飾について:30 to 50 percent more than the current oneが前のthe level を修飾しています。これは次のものと同等です。「being 30 to 50 percent more than the current one」 beingはここでは分詞です。現在分詞で、こうした場合being,
be動詞の現在分詞はよく省略されます。またこれは「which is 30 to 50 percent more than the current one」とも同等です。which is が省略されたともいえます。整理すると、名詞を後置修飾する場合、まず、関係代名詞で表現するのがオーソドクスな方法です。それは分詞の表現に変換出来ます。さらに、分詞も、関係代名詞のwh・・・+動詞は省略される。三つの形がいつでも作れます。これが出来るようになることが、英語力を高めます。
既出名詞の事後における言及:the current one のone はsurcharge です。すでに前にsurcharge がでていますからここではoneを使います。

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from yesterday's Nikkei

2007年05月28日 11時36分33秒 | 新聞記事から
CO2抑制 省エネ家電の普及促進 家庭対象にモデル事業 購入に優遇ローン 政府・与党「省エネ診断士」新設
The government and ruling parties have satrted to forge a new scheme for promoting utilization of enrgy-saving home appliances in the household.They aim at households' reducing their carbon dioxide emissions through the scheme.Its ideas include creating a new certified specialist named "energy-saving consulatnt",who serves as a consultant for the hosehold energy saving activities.When a household buy a energy-efficient home appliance according to the consultant's advice,it can get a preferred loan service.A model business with the public and the private sectors will be launched in Shiga Prefecture in 2007.
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from today's Nikkei

2007年05月26日 09時48分56秒 | 新聞記事から
設備投資 5年連続増加 本社調査 今年度8% 非製造業けん引 電力28%増
According to the 2007 plant and equipment investment trend survey compiled by The Nihon Keizai SHimbun,initially planned investment by the whole industries (of 1,556 companies, on a consolidated basis) in this year increased for the fifth consecutive year.The increase rate is 8.7%,which is rather high, while its increase rate declined a little compared with 12.6% recorded in 2006.Companies in the non-manufacturing industries played a contributing role. Especially,electricity companies marked a 28-percent increase.
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from today's Nikkei

2007年05月25日 10時09分53秒 | 新聞記事から
温暖化ガス 2050年までに世界で半減 首相表明 米中印などにも提唱 「1人1日1キロ」国内で削減運動
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe anounced on Thursday in his speech at the 13th international exchange meeting "The Future of Asia," which was hosted by The Nihon Keizai Shimbun,his idea that the greenhouse gases emission in the world should be reduced to half that at the present time by the year 2005.In doing so,he said that major the gases emission countries, including the U.S.,China and India, should participate in the campaign.As the domestic campaign,he also said that the government will implement the campaign of reducing 1 kilogram emission per person a day.
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from today's Nikkei

2007年05月24日 09時03分38秒 | 新聞記事から
日航、資本支援を要請 主力行に2000-4000億円 政投銀 自らの赤字可能性回避も
It was learned on Wednesday that Japan Airlines Corporation,which is now underway of its reconstruction,asked its major supporting banks including The Development Bank of Japan to offer another 200-400 billion yen.The Development Bank of Japan is said to accept the request and likely will avert the possibility of its going into the red by increasing the allowance of doubtful accounts.
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