from today's Nikkei

2008年01月26日 12時53分38秒 | 新聞記事から
全信組連 六信組に200億円支援 3月末 経営悪化を予防 

The National Federation of Credit Unions has entered its final negotiation satge with six credit unions which are facing management difficulties in the direction that the federation will make a equity capital support of combined 20 bilion yen for the six credit unions at the end of March.Otherwise,amid severe conditions on local economies,the six credit unions' managements would get into the worst.
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from today's Nikkei

2008年01月25日 09時27分54秒 | 新聞記事から
談合やカルテル 公取委、不服審判を廃止 2年後をメド 企業、直接裁判所に 合併審査は事前審判

The Fair Trade Commission has decided that it will significantly revise the current trial system where it is to judge whether a administrative sanction which the commission itself has issued ,in terms of anti-monopoly regulation,is proper or not.Under the current rule,if a company has complaint over the sanction issued by the commision, the company is supposed to file a complaint suit with the commission itself, instead of the court,as the first-stgage trial.If the company has a complaint on the decision by the commission on the matter, it can go on the second -stage trial,from which the dispute is handled at the court.
But,after the revision, the complaint of a company related to the bid-rigging and cartel shall be judged at the court from scratch.The commission intends to shift the system to a new one starting in the time around two years ahead.The screening of a companies' merger and acquisition deal and the judgement over an improper low-price selling wiil be on the table stipulated as "in -advance trial system,"where the commission issues its decision to the related company after hearing the opinion of the company.
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from today's Nikkei

2008年01月24日 10時01分02秒 | 新聞記事から
貿易保険枠 資源開発向け拡大1兆円 政府方針 原油増産で価格抑制 外国企業も対象に

The government has recently decided that it will enhance(expand) the money amount ceiling for the benifit of the foreign trade insurance for resources development,dubbed as" resources and energy comprehensive insurance," to one trillion yen, which is more than triple the current level.Along with the efforts for urging the exploitation of crude oils, this deal is clearly aimed at curbing the crude oil price now hovering at high positions.The scheme has been applied to Japanese companies,but from now on,it will be applied to foreign ones also.The government notifies foreign countries concerned of this decision and will assume the deal within the month in the earliest case.

参考:今日ふと気づいたことは、「早ければ月内に」をどう表現するかが、私の中に定着していないことだった。上の例では、「一番早い場合は月内に」とあらわしている。その他に、今気づいたのですが「なるべく早く、月内に」という表現がありそうである。「as early as possible within the month」。普通はこの例のほうが多いのではないか。読めるが自分ではいえないという英語は数多いのです。
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from today's Nikkei

2008年01月23日 13時05分43秒 | 新聞記事から
米、0.75%緊急利下げ 景気悪化回避狙う FF金利 3.5%に 市場混乱を懸念
欧米株、動き不安定 NYダウ460ドル下落後に戻す  日銀、金利据え置き 総裁「経済、微妙な局面」 日経平均終値 752円安 アジア株 大幅下げ

U.S. Federal Reserve Board decided on January 22 to urgently reduce its key interset rate ,or federal fund interest rate,by 0.75 percent to 3.5 percent per annum.This decision is cleraly aimed at evading the path of economic recession following the subprime mortgage problem or global-basis simultaneouly happening stock price declining.Along with the George W. Bush -announced economy stimulus package,the authorities are going to steering well the U.S. economy.But,market sentiment has become unstable as the New York Stock Exchange's Dow Jones Stock Average temporarily plunged $460
in the morning trading session on the 22nd though it bounced back a little again after that.
In Japan,the Bank of Japan announced it will keep its key interest rate unchanged,but the Governor said at a press conference that the domestic economy also is in a delicate and subtle phase.The Nikkei Stock Average in the Tokyo Stock Exchange on the 22nd day declined more than 700 yen,752yen, to below the 13,000 yen level.Other Asian markets also saw their stocks sharply nosediving.
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from Sunday's Nikkei

2008年01月22日 11時59分02秒 | 新聞記事から
日本でファンド融資拡大 欧米のM&A急増で 14社3倍強の2兆円超計画 金融機関08年、本社調べ

Financial institutions at home and abroad likely will expand their loans to fund businesses for M&A in Japan.According to a survey by The Nihon Keizai Shimbun,major banks in Japan and foreign securities firms of 14,announcing their 2008 business plan,are preparing to make loans of combined more than 2 triilion yen,which are more than triple real fi
gures in 2007.In the West, financial institutions are now holding back their positive loan activities because of the subprime mortgage problem.Amid the situation,M&A has lost its momentum in the West.Given that condition,it is likely that parties concerned will play the role in a Japanese market in doing M&As.
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