デジタル家電 寡占一段と 再編・淘汰呼び水に 価格下落と重い投資 2強で5割超 07年7品目に
In the domestic digital home appliances market,oligopoly by major leading companies has been proceeding,and now much more than before. In terms of sales of the major ten items in 2007, in the six items the combined sales of the top two exceeded those of the previous year.Especially,in the DVD recorder and mobile music player, the expansion was surprisingly 10 to 20 %.In the seven items,the top two companies' share is more than 50 %.Amid the sector's conditions that the prices have been declining and the heavy investment is needed with a rapid technological innovation proceeding,it is difficult for companies lack of investment strength to recover their weakness. In these circumstances, it seems that realignment of the industry or merger and acquisition (M&A) will proceed further.
参考:今日はproceed という単語を意識的に多く使いました。
In the domestic digital home appliances market,oligopoly by major leading companies has been proceeding,and now much more than before. In terms of sales of the major ten items in 2007, in the six items the combined sales of the top two exceeded those of the previous year.Especially,in the DVD recorder and mobile music player, the expansion was surprisingly 10 to 20 %.In the seven items,the top two companies' share is more than 50 %.Amid the sector's conditions that the prices have been declining and the heavy investment is needed with a rapid technological innovation proceeding,it is difficult for companies lack of investment strength to recover their weakness. In these circumstances, it seems that realignment of the industry or merger and acquisition (M&A) will proceed further.
参考:今日はproceed という単語を意識的に多く使いました。