English Collection


pipe dream

2008年03月02日 | 英語学習
The Japan Times Online, Feb.15 の記事タイトルに
Rail tunnel to South Korea pricey pipe dream?
とありました。トンネルの話なのでpipeの言葉を使ったのは分かりますが、肝心な "pipe dream" の表現は初めてです。そこで辞書を引きました。
pipe dream: a hope, idea, plan ect. that is impossible or will probably never happen
Ex. Making it all the way to the NFL/Olympic game is a pipe dream for most asthletes.
Senior lawmakers from the ruling and opposition camps said Friday they will form a bipartisan group possibly next month to push for construction of an undersea railroad tunnel between Japan and South Korea, inviting all Diet members to join.
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