さて、MURDER at the Tokyo Lawn Tennis Clubに出て来る、Kawamura警部と息子との会話の後に出てきた見慣れた単語の意味は?
"Did you get a printout?" asked his son.
"Printout? Oh, I see. Yes, I, ah, programmed it."
"You did?"
"Of course," said Kawamura. "It was easy."
Kawamura's son repaired to his room and classic rock.
この "repaired" は文脈からして、部屋に戻った事を示しているに違いないと思いますが、 "repair" と来れば修理/修繕しか思い浮かばない私には意外です。 辞書で確認します。
・Wiktionary: To transfer oneself to another place.: I heard the visitors repair to their chambers. Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte 1850.
1. to betake oneself; go, as to a place: He repaired in haste to Washington.
2. to go frequently or customarily.
・WordNet 1.7: resort -- (move, travel, or proceed toward some place; ``He repaired to his cabin in the woods'' )
確かに "go/resort" の意味がありました。
さて、MURDER at the Tokyo Lawn Tennis Clubに出て来る、Kawamura警部と息子との会話の後に出てきた見慣れた単語の意味は?
"Did you get a printout?" asked his son.
"Printout? Oh, I see. Yes, I, ah, programmed it."
"You did?"
"Of course," said Kawamura. "It was easy."
Kawamura's son repaired to his room and classic rock.
この "repaired" は文脈からして、部屋に戻った事を示しているに違いないと思いますが、 "repair" と来れば修理/修繕しか思い浮かばない私には意外です。 辞書で確認します。
・Wiktionary: To transfer oneself to another place.: I heard the visitors repair to their chambers. Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte 1850.
1. to betake oneself; go, as to a place: He repaired in haste to Washington.
2. to go frequently or customarily.
・WordNet 1.7: resort -- (move, travel, or proceed toward some place; ``He repaired to his cabin in the woods'' )
確かに "go/resort" の意味がありました。