English Collection


fall on one's feet

2013年01月07日 | 英語学習
アルクのホームページに、「翻訳家が選ぶ洋書この1冊」(http://www.alc.co.jp/eng/hontsu/book/)があるのを見つけ、何十冊もの本の紹介がありました。その中から私の地元の図書館にある本を読もうと思います。調べると図書館にある本は余りないのですが、The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobeがあったのでこれを最初に読むことにしました。
Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucyの4人の兄弟姉妹は戦争の為にロンドンから疎開し、大きな館に住む教授のところで暮らすことになりました。
As soon as they had said goodnight to the Professor and gone upstairs on the first night, the boys came into the girls' room and they all talked it over.
"We've fallen on our feet and no mistake," said Peter. "This is going to be perfectly splendid. That old chap will let us do anything we like."
"fallen on our feet" は慣用句の様です。意味を調べます。
・American Heritage Dictionary: Also, land on one's feet . Overcome difficulties, be restored to a sound or stable condition. For example, Don't worry about Joe's losing his job two years in a row he always falls on his feet, or The company went bankrupt, but the following year it was restructured and landed on its feet. This term alludes to the cat and its remarkable ability to land on its paws after falling from a great height. [Mid-1800s]
・Cambridge Idioms Dictionary: land on your feet (British, American & Australian) also fall on your feet (British & Australian) to be lucky or successful after you have been in a difficult situation She really landed on her feet - she found an apartment right in the middle of San Francisco. Richard takes the most awful risks, but he always seems to fall on his feet.
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