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cat's cradle

2013年01月29日 | 英語学習


リーダーズダイジェストの12月号を予約しているのですが、まだ借りれないのでつなぎに読んでいるMarx for Biginnersにあった一節を引用します。
Marx also thought so. Philosophy had become a strightjacket of jargon and muddles, impossible to make out heads or tails.
Marx set himself the job of unravelling this cat's cradle and begin making philosophy into an exact science, with less fuzzy suppositions, and so give it the practical means to transform the world...
"cat's cradle" とは興味の湧く表現ですが、猫の揺り籠と哲学を取巻く前文の状況とどんな関係があるのでしょうか? 私の先生、辞書に相談します。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary:
1: a game in which a string looped in a pattern like a cradle on the fingers of one person's hands is transferred to the hands of another so as to form a different figure
2: something that is intricate, complicated, or elaborate: a cat's cradle of red tape
1.A children's string game
2.(idiomatic) Any complicated structure which appears to be without purpose
なるほど。 綾取りの意味の."cat's cradle" についてはここでは引用しませんが、Wikipediaに詳しい説明があります。
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