English Collection



2013年01月21日 | 英語学習
2001 A Space Odyssey、やっと宇宙の話になりました。
A whole generation of research by heroic unsung volunteers had gone into the design of the washroom, and it was now considered to be more or less foolproof. Floyd investigated it soon after free fall had began. He found himself in a little cubicle with all the fittings of an ordinary airline toilet, but illuminated with a red light that was very harsh and unpleasant to the eye.A notice printed in prominest letters announced: MOST INPORTANT FOR YOUR OWIN COMFORT, PLEASE READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY!
"unsung" は "sing" の過去分詞に否定を意味する接頭詞の "un" がついた単語の様ですが、ここではどんな意味で使われているのでしょうか?
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: not celebrated or praised (as in song or verse): an unsung hero
・Collins Dictionary: not acclaimed or honoured ⇒ unsung deeds: Our heartwarming search for Ireland's unsung
・Vocabulary.com: heroes is coming to an end: not famous or acclaimed: Lord Smith said greening business behaviour was one of the "unsung successes" of environmental regulation.
"sing" から来ていると分かれば直ぐに覚えられる単語ですね。
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