English Collection



2013年10月09日 | 英語学習
Noam Chomsky著のHopes Prospectsのイスラエルの話は続きます。
Peter Beaumont reports from Gaza that "on its coastal littoral, Gaza's limitations are marked by a different fence where the bars are Israeli gunboats with their huge wakes, scurrying beyond the Palestinian fishing boats and preventing them from going outside a zone imposed by the warships."
"wake" というと "wake up" の他に、寝ずの番とか、それから発生した通夜 ("A safety slogan: Awake or a Wake")を思い浮かべますが、上に引用した文中の "wake" の意味は別の意味があるようです。 辞書を見ます。
・Cambridge English Dictionary: the waves that a moving ship or object leaves behind: The wake spread out in a v-shape behind the ship.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: the track left by a moving body (as a ship) in a fluid (as water); broadly: a track or path left
・Vocabulary.com: In the wake, or aftermath, of a death, it's traditional in many cultures to hold a wake, a vigil for the dead. There's a third meaning of wake, too, you know: it's the waves that a boat leaves behind as it slices through the water. And that's not all...
Wake has three meanings as a noun, and, yes, just about as many meanings as a verb! So get set. To wake is come out of sleep, a verb you'll recognize from "Wake up! You're asleep at the wheel!" You can wake feelings, as well as the people who are having them. The wake before the funeral caused Mike to wake from his depression and decide to live life to the fullest. His first act was to water ski; he eventually mastered staying upright while crossing the wake of the boat that was towing him.
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