今日紹介するジョークは、最近NHKのBSで放送している大人向けのfairy taleの番組を連想させます。
My four-year-old daughter Aditi asked me this morning, "Mummy, when are you going to die?"
A little taken aback, I asked why she wanted to know.
"Because, Mummy, once you die I'll be able to get a stepmother - and then I can meet my Prince Charming."
今日紹介するジョークは、最近NHKのBSで放送している大人向けのfairy taleの番組を連想させます。
My four-year-old daughter Aditi asked me this morning, "Mummy, when are you going to die?"
A little taken aback, I asked why she wanted to know.
"Because, Mummy, once you die I'll be able to get a stepmother - and then I can meet my Prince Charming."